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Everything posted by MOssrope

  1. how many will you put on a one feet rock... gonna go slow on this... anyway where were your last few multi coloured gotten from?
  2. i have a large rock ready for rics now... meanwhile please crash the economy for rics so its dirt cheap when i start playing with them.. thanks guys!
  3. some ppl say they do... i have not seen this happen. only if it constantly feed on a certain coral till its death and i would consider it reef UNSAFE. Sometimes it just pecks on the rocks and disturbs some nearby corals and this can cause mis-judgment.
  4. i had a gigantea with the copperband. no issues at all but this gigantea was really huge so pretty dangerous for the copperband itself
  5. i have a copperband since the start of my tank. it never touched my corals but pretty sure he finishes up any aiptasia, featherdusters or christmas tree worms. ( i fail at common names for LS) but i never considered these 3 things part of my reef. So it is reef safe to me
  6. yo rehi bro... hitchhikers are such great playmates/food for your mantis. (if it bothers which it should lol) as for your iodide fears.. if you are worried bout mantis not being able to molt.. take a look at its carapace. Carapace that are meant to molt will have whitened or old looking joints between the shells. If that persist for a long time it means your mantis is unable to molt due to low iodine. DO NOTE that iodide does help it molt but if it is molted when it is not supposed to your mantis will be very much weakened. To emphasize it will molt even when its not supposed to due to high iodide levels. On top of that iodide can be accidentally overdosed by a little but for iodine do not go too near the given dosage... always go under to be safe.
  7. on top of that.. great water parameters can regenerate their lost tissues at an alarming rate
  8. do u have a skimmer in there? it should be the skimmer giving of the small bubbles after medications. its best to turn off skimmers for a few hours after adding medications or it will result in excessive skimming. it should have stopped by now yeah?
  9. gl for ur ippt... get gold can chiong more
  10. weirdest question i am answering tonight. but this will be a hard one if you still have many unanswered questions
  11. can be kept together as long your tank is big enough... even in groups if your tank is small and its already terrorizing the rest.. best is no
  12. hey there clearing all the zero replies but didnt quite get your question. was the bolded area mis-phrased or something?
  13. IMO there are pro and cons for this one. the good part is they shift ur sandbed to allow bacteria growth to be better. the bad part is they will eat clams and anemones on your sand. your royal gramma havent had a deluxe meal for a long time i guess... shouldnt be a problem for them. only creatures i see eat things that they cant digest are snakes.. which they vomit out after
  14. Bro Accurist will know more about this as he lives there and said the market came to a standstill. Look him up in his tank thread titled "Tankzilla" in the members area
  15. i have never encountered this kind of algae but they are known to cause even greater problems for u. Here are some measures i found off the net for u. Getting Rid of Bubble Algae So what do you do when see this stuff in your tank? You have a few options: * Make sure your water parameters are in line, i.e. 0 nitrates and very low levels of phosphates. Run a protein skimmer if you're not already and keep up with those regular partial water changes. * Manual Removal - very carefully grab the bubble algae towards the base and use a gentle pulling and twisting motion to free it from the rock without breaking the bubble. Ventricaria ventricosa feels like large rubber marbles and they can burst thereby releasing thousands of new bubble algae cells into your tank. If they've already burst remove the bubble sack anyway. Don't let them get too big or you run the risk of them releasing the spores before you can remove them. Keep the upper hand here. * The Emerald Crab is reported to eat bubble algae, which variety we don't know. They didn't touch Ventricaria ventricosa it in our tanks. Perhaps it's not the first thing they are interested in consuming. If there is plenty of other stuff in the tank for them to eat you are out of luck. * Rabbitfish and some Tangs may eat them. I've noticed our Yellow Tang nibbling at the deflated bubble sacs but not going after the growing bubbles. * Some species of sea urchins (Diadema) may eat bubble algae. They may wreak havoc on your rock work and coralline algae too though. Emerald Crab is known to be the best way for almost all i have read.. will need to prevent the source of the problem after getting rid of them like all other algaes... GL cheers
  16. nice anemone tank... wouldnt be easy to get a yellow bta here any aggression so far among the anemones?
  17. 12 where got enough get 24 more? Hey Jeremy.. GO still has a lot of LPS? might go tmr
  18. the concept of hammers acting as trees is interesting!.. did u drill holes specially to fit them? so your the one clearing the aussies corals at CF lol
  19. buy my whole tankset to upgrade then i can upgrade also. i need to hunt for an anemone now. since my gigantea attempted to split and failed.. should be a stress split. moved some corals and my tank looks pretty empty now without it. when free?.. CF LCK lets go.
  20. wow good looking ric everest there... so i see you had spent a lot of time from just now till now!
  21. red mandarins came with the ric shipments at iwarna yesterday.
  22. its still here.. encrusted with red algae... GG
  23. hikari has but not sure if the LFS bring them or sell them... supermarkets are still the cheaper alternative... both sizes are pretty big bags unless u would like to buy off the wet market at a small portion... or drop by mossrope house and get some free frags along the way
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