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Everything posted by MOssrope

  1. yeah its a pokerstar i think. these guys are coming in more often nowadays but the one you have there is of good condition compared to those i have seen.. wasted should have came along! you will need good lightings to keep its colour up, not right under a MH though i got a superman which is at the strongest light spot but barely making it.. but then again my chiller is down which could explain the reason.
  2. whats the reason for the fishes' demise
  3. The LED mentioned in the 1st post are for illumination and low heat purposes only. Its way different from the maxpect kind some of the reefers here are using due to technology and cost differences. (Low end bulbs) Those tubes can hardly even make aquatic plants grow.
  4. do note if you sun dry your LR for too long it becomes DR. one source of filtration down if you are doing it for all your rocks :< pretty sure the aiptasia will outlive any other thing on the rock in the sun.
  5. if you guys are interested in constant delivery + supply of distilled water.. do pm me for more info.. i stay in the west and the quota bottles for delivery is slightly more than what i need. so might work something out to share
  6. not sure if anyone seen of posted this before.. saw it in another forum
  7. strangely food usually not sealed... additives are sealed though. for kent marnie that is. if the bottle is real low in volume u might suspect that, but when u buy and hold it.. if its real low, you should realize a weight difference
  8. kim.. free drop by clementi and take your stuff! chaeto, zoas and a one head blasto polyart downsized their marine section by the way to make way for birds ><
  9. Good morning President. Its time to conduct our AGM on ways to increase Marine quantity/imports to Singapore and the increase in this trade for micro and macro factors.
  10. nice tank! do filled it up to give us more inspiration for a 6footer too.. i see u have gather all your past experience into this error-proof tank. There's even a plenum! I cant remember to add so much things if i were to make a new tank now. cause i think i got a fail memory
  11. those two you mentioned are not reef safe. Do be careful if you are intending to keep corals.
  12. it is a macro algae.. not sure of the name but as what bro iskay suggest. yes it exports nitrates and phosphates. you could trim it off if it is hindering the look of your scape but do sell me some of it! All mangroves,seaweed and algae have nutrients export abilities as they are around solely due to it.
  13. i hoped you took a pic before fragging! ha wanted to see how big the colony was. guess your shopping pics for the day will be up soon...
  14. nothing much for me at the moment. but if there are interesting stuff/sps do let me know.. u are gonna head to the pasir ris side?
  15. yes please we could share frags.. but i am letting everything settle down... i think 8xt5 would be best.. i have 6x now and without a MH i can see that the underside of the sps that are growing sideways not colouring up fully. my tank is currently very very low on nutrients since my algae scrubber is up.. so low that my skimmer cant really skim anything out :< might be clearing lps to make way for sps too should make ray and jeremy start sps too yeah?
  16. wow bro going back to sps? were these from reefers or lfs
  17. your story is so interesting that comycus reappeared!
  18. beautiful tank which suits your beautiful house
  19. not gonna try mantis again? but yeah its quite risky for water changes in picos as its large change to them.. sorry to hear the loss. do not give up! but a bigger tank will help a lot in parameter shifts. on top of that with regards to my previous post... shrimps take more "damage" when molting compared to hermits. the new carapace is a lot softer and more permeable for shrimps
  20. wow nice catch bro. do you use an algae scrubber btw? or maybe time to change FR media
  21. you forgot to leave an unsuitable for the young rating.... LOL
  22. ha interesting cut to make the video... this has happened because of this incident really hoped these trees had been used for better reasons
  23. it is very much possible. cycling ensures the stability and pretty sure the corals you gotten were the hardy kind. but u had live rocks and nsw to help out.. some poeple's only filtration are live rocks and water changes.. so yeah.. not cycling also depends on the startup equipments and additions imo.
  24. 10 sounds little.. was hoping to put a lot more
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