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Everything posted by MOssrope

  1. pics not clear enough for me to tell actually... hmmm is it on the inside or outside of your jaw... it does look like some parasite or copepod
  2. i hope you are dripping it in instead of pouring it in. kalk misuses are lethal. do read up on it before even attempting to use it. i looked through your tank thread.. whats the situation you wish to rectify by using kalk? i think you can do without it actually, by using other methods
  3. had it in my refugium last time until my chaetos outgrew it, thus it eventually melted. ( it was just a small bunch) i would recommend you to give it more wave/light according to its size/length, if its a large bunch and theres insufficient wave/light, i believe the rotting from the interior upwards can crash a tank due to some toxic substance it holds. not sure about the sexual or asexual part but they are a form of algae. i do know if you cant keep them in check at where it is now(enough light), they will break loose(this is due to the bottom rotting off) and grow at places with stronger light and flow.
  4. the president speaks the truth. on top of that you do not need a sump to have a skimmer.. there are many good hang on skimmers. attempt sps if you have enough experience and attempt sps without a skimmer only if you know very well what you are doing and the full knowledge of your tank needs. looking at the sailfin in the tank i would suggest you put sps on hold 1st, at least till you have a skimmer. not being mean but its really a good outcome for the livestocks and yourself. and healthy sun corals are a pretty high form of bioload in my context. and the picture you used was backdated compared to your updated livestock list i supposed, and i do not see a wavemaker (><)"
  5. put it this way... if your water level is lower .. your pump cant drive the water high enough in the skimmer... bringing down efficiency, more skim area = better efficiency, this of course applies for in sump skimmer models. and if this is happening.. it also means your sump is constructed in a way the skimmer area doesnt have a fixed water level? reducing levels of water should mostly occur in the return pump area unless the partition between your skimmer and return pump area is too low? (considering that these two are side by side) a picture will help a lot.
  6. yeah man bro. how did the eggs fare. can go chiong .... corals sponsered by SAF IPPT fees.
  7. but the equipments are all not the same right?
  8. bro were there some issues with oceanic salt? was about to change to oceanic.
  9. i need my parents to sign the consent form 1st... get back to you guys... where can i get the consent form btw.
  10. wow your tank seems to have a lot of hiding space and places for new corals. i need a bigger tank too :<
  11. not sure but do not think so.. maybe i can drop by east on their spawning day haha. but the fries will be food if you do not removed them :< no more space for a standby tank?
  12. wow nice wilson.. and your perc lay the eggs on something that looks very removable which is good ooh and i have spare tanks, filters and air pumps if you want.
  13. hydronopora is luminous green too
  14. thanks for the input guys.... RD is probably the only place i have never been to, though i did use their online site... let me go take a look.
  15. Some LFS around my area has them too... they come in cone shapes too but yeah the shop Fuel mentioned is nearer to you
  16. As mentioned. Looking for these kind of tubes....Korallen Zucht KZ brand T5 lightubes Anyone out there seen them on sale in Sg LFS do let me know... i havent been opening my eyes on the equipment sections nowadays. thanks in advance!
  17. ya will need to give up many other things just to get them(the fries) to live :< not sure if transfering them to another tank will change their mood to breed... clown experts can comment on this
  18. breeding clowns?! spawn them please! heard they will lay them on sps but not anemone right? will that not become food? yeah they are good in defending their eggs even killing those who tries to go near. were there eggs on the monti?
  19. calcium mag and kh is a theory.. its not why it will be like this or that nor is it a bet on that figure. and this theory is very important for sps keepers. low cal and mag usually results in high kH not quite that but its the dosing being precipitated. which should be why your mag and cal was not going over the sky even with your regular dosing nowadays. it would be good to restore lower kH as thats a little too high for sps which usually results in STN, bleaching from base too(think mines going up too) changing water is the best way to reduce kH for you as for now i think. but then again there are many variations to this.. so yeah.. maybe his kH tester was wrong?
  20. i was thinking it would be above 11 actually.
  21. thanks for the offer bro... gonna fix up the chiller soon so no need to trouble you ha. do update when your lps are happier... maybe thats the only side effect of the biopellets.. looks like it is doing its main job well. do try to measure your kH... looking at your calcium and mag levels your kH should be pretty high po4: 0.03 is very bad news... because this marks a start to your sps addiction!
  22. yeah its a pokerstar i think. these guys are coming in more often nowadays but the one you have there is of good condition compared to those i have seen.. wasted should have came along! you will need good lightings to keep its colour up, not right under a MH though i got a superman which is at the strongest light spot but barely making it.. but then again my chiller is down which could explain the reason.
  23. whats the reason for the fishes' demise
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