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Everything posted by MOssrope

  1. got lost in yours too. no way anybody will call u retarded... your the next confucius to be hope you didnt get my idea wrong >< last year's case study was a good analogy between good judges and bad judges. (never go through SAF 3289572 questionaire survey to qualify) this year can be a same senario as last. you know after watching those taiwan host shows where they change village girls into pleasant looking model lookalikes. i got very frightened
  2. is not really on the pretty girls scared to join... she made the more delusional ones more brave. put it this way... someone who drinks and eat all day with massive BMI is gonna represent singapore for 100m sprinters... WHY! thats cause 3/4 of the population just signed up for binosage's special olympics. many people cant run but they still think they can run. today's key word - DELUSIONAL
  3. Disclaimer - Not eye safe, but work safe the following link has been deemed to cause nightmares and loss in appetite. click at your own risk http://www.divaasia.com/media_photo/9191 apparently there was an error with most of the ages listed there.
  4. i see monti plates.. thanks for sharing
  5. somehow the clownfishes are gonna find their way into this gobies aquarium
  6. welcome back bro, and hope your kid gets well quickly! thats a very long damage list you have there but on the good side your tannk still looks very filled up. i did a restart too as exams and tap water laziness depriciated the health of my tank. guess we should have a good time stocking up together just gime a buzz mon
  7. never seen this indigo sun before.. hope can see the colours one day. many people have misconceptions towards purple tubes generally because they have pretty low par rating and behave like actinics but if you can get your hands on KZ fiji purple, its a whole new different story. i will surely add one when i get my hands on one, peacemaker
  8. hope i get to change my tubes soon. you seen my old tubes which were pretty white based for sps tube x6 - 2white 2 blueplus 1white/pink/blueplus 1 purple i am pretty critical on par for sps as its a swap for MH for lps and softies - blue and white will do unless you wish to enhance viewing pleasure, but 4 tubes is enough usually. actinics have very low par ratings... as above mentioned its pretty much viewing purposes mainly.
  9. the GSP wall > Berlin wall > Great wall of china
  10. yes thats very wise wilson... alveo really need target feeding to survive long term if your water is LN. GJ ray hahaha
  11. lower room temperature... air con or ceiling fan. making pumps external reducing heat return into water. a chiller goes a long way though. with a fan and 30c u are losing a lot to evaporation.
  12. looks like red macro algae to me.. forgot the scientific name but was posted not long ago before. good things to have in sump(only!).
  13. was hoping my epic face can make a difference. but :<
  14. HI guys... 1st post in Sgreef hottest chat session. WHAT? TS LEFT? ZZZZZ
  15. 1) Harlequin Mania ( Larry ) 2) Wilsontantw (Tentative) 3) LemonLemon 4) Ketchup 5) Desi --> contributing Tiramisu 6) iskay 7) jyoon (tentative - if come will bring Sake) 8) Ray 9) Qiang 10) Gouldian (Tentative will come and will bring some alcohol as well, but not safe to dose into tank ok) 11) Binosage 12) bugattilambo(tentative) 13) Clam Chowder (Mervyn) - 2 bottles of vodka 14) peacemaker 15) Kikobananas (Tentative . Confirmation by 19th) 16) Onizuka (Tentative) 17) StevenKoh08 +1 + 0.5 18) Sherman (tentative - might need to work) 19) kanegan and spouse (Tentative) 20) Cedricang - Most likely going 21) Terryz - Will try to bring something along too but will avoid alcohol drink, so many ppl bring liao. 22) Poomoon + 1 (Tentative . Confirmation by 21st) 23) Ahsiang 24) FuEl 25) MarcoVan (Tentative) 26) ReDDEviLs (bring myself) 27) DUCADOS 28) Eniram (Tentative) 29) Mossrope (will drop by only if jackywongto is not driving and will drink with me)
  16. you have sc2 beta account? AT lets go have a fun and safe trip bro.
  17. nope.. only after starcraft 2 is released i think.. latter is currently under closed beta
  18. bro should have called me for help too. i thought u were busy with clownfishes eggs >< sms me if anything bro
  19. i did sleep haha..it jumpped out an hour ago, i think it didnt like me replying here.. nah just some anthias chasing it. they rarely jump. but it bounced on my keyboard then onto the floor.. so its quite a distance for it. no more lessons and stopped my work as exams are near by. yeah Lucio is the man.. solid
  20. ha just wanted to see the fishes with the tank as a whole.. was watching champion's league.. but that's around my normal sleep time anyway. and i was typing this when my carpenter flasher flew right onto my keyboard..LOOL
  21. nice and neat setup. it will be pretty nice if the purple light look was original, aint it? your pics are still pretty clear when you are drunk. i realised you are using filter socks? and always wanted to ask, will it not filter out pods and bigger microns zooplanktons? if it is off a lesser micron filter sock in the first place.
  22. did they use GEX magical water in that bowl so they can keep fresh and marine fishes in it? somehow this came up to my mind right away
  23. wow at your stocklist. would like to see your FTS soon!
  24. i caught some using pellets and the bottle before. they are irritatingly fast and it itches to know there are some in the tank. i will crush them with a sledgehammer if i find any more.
  25. oops forgot the bad version is called isopods.. my bad
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