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Everything posted by MOssrope

  1. so me and ray shall not award you!
  2. increasing your bulb wattage will help a lot. i will go a minimum of 25w per bulb but commercial wattage is at 24 i think. my idea on this is the scrubber will be competing with the main tank for algae growth and cause of that i am not using a full reverse photoperiod for the scrubber. for more details, you can post your scrubber pics for SM to see in his thread
  3. no.. i psycho motor... its Left hand left leg x 2385972
  4. Singapore pools will win the world cup again
  5. i will not run across a field to get to NTUC, but i do not mind walking all the way in to iwarna.
  6. you may like to hold back on NSW for a period of time. i dumped a bag of NSW in recently and my skimmer came to a halt in productiviy, it led me to think that some oil remanants are still present the NSW. been a few days and i am still watching. can be other reasons, not sure if someone else had this same issue recently. ( yeah that oil spill)
  7. actually just promise a free gift and refuse it after that will do the above we shall go poland together my dear friend! but need to polish up my Polish
  8. i lost my dog yesterday but luckily i found it on google. with regards to algae scrubber theres a link right in General Reefkeeping which i have placed here now. How algae scrubber does not scratch a tank! PS: the above underlined link can be clicked on.. its fast, easy and fun.
  9. In regards to the wiring schematics in post #2.. hope someone can offer me some assistance in some wiring. Chiller model Resun CL450. this is the wire for the power to the Chiller's original controller. One blue, Two red, One black wire. I need to totally overwrite the original controller as the button is jammed on the set temperature mode, putting the chiller in standby mode i think. how should i go about wiring this to a external controller with the given schematics in post#2 thanks in advanced, sorry for being a wire idiot.
  10. this is win. but i prefer this to be done in singapore.
  11. compy is right... sometimes its not quite a nip as its pecking on algae near the coral, but also pretty attracted corals with low health points(which also in turn has algae around it). applies to a lot of blennies actually
  12. this jacky guy is damn scary. he even knows i am going to reborn when i havent left house. he shall be called prophet jacky.. no longer president
  13. Hi there.. KY 1st timer here. Hmmm i studied quite a bit about every religion in my free time.. maybe thats the reason i have no religion. not aiming at religion in particular but in general account...if i can get a few million just by climbing down suntec towers.. hell yeah i will do it. then maybe i will place a waterfall(saltwater mind you) in front of my house. and maybe modify dialysis machines to suit my sump's as the 5th filtration compartment.
  14. chaetos grow easily. you can play a bit of par rating here for this. as long light is above a certain amount.. i would say a 9w lamp not too far of course). chaeto will grow
  15. as jacky said, it is an extremely good fluctuation range actually. what made you u feel its not normal bro?
  16. what a good student! bro wilson... let me know the detals.. i will swing to it if as long i can make it. sms me
  17. i should be dropping by east side tmr evening to see my friend off. if your free meet up for some beer with you three.. if your all around... coffee also can.. kickapo also can
  18. Additives and mediations do help but the initial problem will still re-surface after a while if preventive measures are not done to remove the source. whats your Kh and Ph at? extreme low kh and ph can be a reason. were you using tap water? or distilled water all these while? if you do not have FR with good media in it.. turning off lights will not help. The silicates and phosphate will still remain even though your nitrate might have gone down. but it works if theres no phosphate and silicates in the water and nitrate is the main source for algae. These all links up if you were using tap water. Algae is a form of nutrients output. The cycle will end when tap water doesnt not have a part with tank husbandry's and of course after the diatoms period goes over. and lastly, the flow on bottom part of your tank(sandbed area) might be a bit low, if sand is too fine and you cant increase this get sand dwellers to move it for you.
  19. beautiful tank to suit a beautiful home. the 6 footer does not look like a 2nd hand. did the previous owner even hook up for usage? the tank still looks very spotless after running for a few months..
  20. haha.. what about me. Friend's farewell dinner + drinks really need to head over to Cedric Reef Farm real soon.. been so delayed. DO update all your new pics.. will be checking them out. I missed the chance to hit on Bino again.. :<
  21. so did all of you get alot of new stuff? sorry cant turn up just now.
  22. wow you like high pitch. My ear drums are weak. alright enough tcss.. music to go with great pics of jacky lol
  23. i restarted too and parameters are going fine round same time as you. lots of space but i feel quite happy at the moment just growing coraline lol! going for sps?
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