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Everything posted by slapper

  1. Could be cos of the high temperature? Your parameters seems ok tho not ideal but it shouldn't melt your corals. Anyway the mandarin may be starved to death as your tank is newly setup with no Copepods. I don't keep them in my tank now as I feel such fish should be left in the sea or very well established tank with lotsa pods.
  2. It is good to reposition your rocks to create overhanging crevices and caves (for ground dwellers).
  3. THanks Bro! It is 2 feet and not very wide (altho i wish it has more width and height). U will be amazed how many corals i pack in there. I'm out during the daytime so the fan is constantly running. By the end of the day, the temp can go as high as 28C. In the evening i will turn on the air-con (partly becos i wanna enjoy the air-con as well ) to lower the temp to 25-26C. I'm not really successful in keeping corals such as true octopus and torches (mainly long tentacles one). They stay with me about 3 months or so and start to die off. Not sure is it because of the high temp. May someone can provide advice!
  4. Try to outsource the mower's job to the algae blenny. They are very hardworking chaps and don't ask for a high wage!
  5. too many live rocks in my opinion! Imagine if this is your house i guess you would wanna have more moving spaces! Welcome aboard!!
  6. Bro, what sort of algae problem were you facing? Hair algae? red slime? Or those algae that appears on the glass wall? For hair algae, i normally use algae blenny to do the lawn mower's job. For red slime, i get Ulteralife Red Slime Remover from Henry. For algae on glass wall...have to manually scrape or engage the services of turbo snails.
  7. thank you bro. I've a few crashes previously mainly due to overseas trips. Otherwise, it is pretty stable.
  8. Very clean looking tank! I'm using a maxspect lighting too! Good choice!
  9. Looks really promising! Will be camping here
  10. Wow...for a nano tank you have lots of stuffs going on - chiller, sump and all. Seems like a lot of work to me. Guess it is needed as you are keeping SPS corals, said to be more demanding than LPS. Read your earlier post on attempting a tear-drop clam. I havent had much success with clams, they always wither off after a while, even when i feed them with plankton and stuffs. I'm not sure if it is due to the temperature, but then again, my LPS are blooming. Continue using your PO4 recommended by Henry. He's a helpful chap and i love talking to him to get some tips. The other product that i use is Reef Biofuel by Brightwell, which helps to further reduce phosphate and nitrate. Try to keep your pH to above 8 as this will help in corals and fish species. I top up my tank daily with Alkali water with pH10, to ensure that my tank pH is kept consistently between 8-8.5. Reasons of lowering pH is due to overfeeding, wastes etc. Like you, i have my own trials and errors, and usually the error results from overseas trips. Lots of $$$ goes into this hobby but the feeling of success is priceless. You can read about my tank journey here...
  11. u may wanna check if aquarist chamber still have midas from red sea. Last week still have.
  12. Haha! Makes them look alive tho!
  13. thank you. They are hardier than most of my fish. lol
  14. Featurette of my tank. http://youtu.be/gfEjmOfY8QE
  15. Reposting the link https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152504427748646&l=2354945470506104107
  16. Made a featurette of my 10ga reef tank using iPhone. https://fbcdn-video-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-ash3/v/t43.1792-2/10303162_10152504682488646_2088293014_n.mp4?oh=75ac21edb0370022555baa63232c9354&oe=536A6821&__gda__=1399482166_7df37f046f38bb3f85829b21609c7fc7
  17. Was shocked to see that my yellowhead jawfish has been swallowed by my super sun coral!
  18. These fishes are for advanced aquarists and preferably kept in a tank without too many fishes as they are easily stressed.
  19. I saw hermit crabs at Sealife earlier this week. You may wanna call and check if they still have...
  20. Sea Life has shipment of ruby-red dragonets. Go check it out from tmr onwards.
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