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slapper last won the day on August 10 2021

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  1. Thank you Mr Tay. Daily maintenance is necessary to keep the tank clean, with the help of cleaning crews. While one can scrub away the algae on the glass, the crews are needed to work on those that are on the rocks. I started dosing Red Sea Algae Management solution during the run-in phase of my tank. I think it helps to reduce the effects of the “ugly phase” that every new tank goes through. Mine was barely noticeable. Only recently when I added more fish, the phosphate level climbed up due to frequent feeding. I am now using phosphate reducer GFO to battle this. It is still ongoing and I will provide more updates again.
  2. I’ve jus dosed some calcium today. As for phosphate, it could be the daily feeding of fishes. Let’s see how far the GFO can help to lower it, then I’ll start regular dosing to maintain the lowered phosphate level.
  3. Hi! I did my test at DE Aquatic for $10!
  4. Have decided to make a switch from Red Sea products to Fauna Marine, as they have a wider range of food and dosing elements. Hopefully my corals will grow to like it. Also did a water test recently. Phosphate is still very high despite regular dosing. Need to also pull up the KH. Have ordered the NYOS Torq reactor for the phosphate removal GFO. Hopefully it helps!
  5. I have 1 x cute linear blenny for sale (S$5). Really hate to see him go but he has been picking on my favia and acans. New owner should be running a FOWLR tank to own this cute blenny. Please IM me for collection details and share your tank specs. Hoping to find a good home for this little guy. https://www.aquariumdomain.com/SpeciesProfiles/MarineFish/LinearBlenny.shtml
  6. Excellent write up! Seems that you are keeping a FOWLR? And plans to introduce corals in the long run? Also, what are the challenges faced in keeping a tank in the office compared to home? My heart reaches out to fellow reefers who have to compromise between family/spouse commitment and reefing hobby. Personally I feel that reefing is a healthy hobby and can be appreciated by every member in the family. So let’s hope people are more supportive to their loved ones who enjoy reefing!
  7. I have since decommissioned this tank. It was a fitting transition to my current 3 feet shallow lagoon tank, after dropping out of the reefing hobby for a good 6 years or so. My new tank journey is documented here:
  8. I have very limited pieces of Fritz Aquatic coral viewing glasses, each going for $28. These glasses are superior to the ones used by local LFS. Below are photos of my tank with and without the viewer. PM me if keen. FCFS.
  9. Just received the Fritz Aquatic coral viewing glasses. Really makes a difference in coral viewing. See the photos and you will know! Without coral viewerWith coral viewerWithout coral viewerWith coral viewerWithout coral viewerWith coral viewer This is MUCH better than the ones provided by local LFS. The intensity of the colors are simply breathtaking! I still have VERY limited pieces for sale. Do check out Marketplace for my listing! FCFS!
  10. Haha better not. So I will not overspend on corals happy how the tank turns out.
  11. Added more Aussie corals from coral fanatics. They have the best selection of great quality corals. The rainbow acan burns under the Hydra64. The strawberry shortcake sps is extraordinary. My tank is officially full.
  12. Another update of my tank. Been stocking up on corals for the pass weeks and the tank is about 90% capacity. Got more premium frags from LFS, hoping they will grow over time. Managed to find some interesting pieces too, such as the bicolor frogspawn and cynarina. Absolutely breathtaking.
  13. Four weeks since the creation of the shallow lagoon reef. To date, the reef has corals of about 80% full capacity. A reefer shared that corals have lower bio-load than fishes. It does seem that way as I can see how the corals expand and extend in my reef. Here are some photos taken today. The Aussie scolymias are all healthy. The two button scolys that I bought over the weekend are doing so well. They have swelled to a size bigger than what I saw in the LFS, almost half the size of the bleeding apple. The hammers are all well extended. The ones in front are single head frags but they are so swelled up you can hardly tell that they are frags. The meat coral and plates are placed at a corner as they do not thrive under high spectrum. You can tell that they are happy just being at the corner. The goniopora and alveopora are placed on the other end of the tank. With their extended polyps, no wonder they are nicknamed as “flower pot” corals! Just below the gonioporas are the lobophyllias. Just like the meat coral, they thrive better on subdued lighting. Next to them are two maxima clams. Be sure to place these clams on the clam holders that you can find easily in LFS. This is to prevent the exposed base from getting infected from the sand. The SPS colony takes centrestage, fully blasted by the AI Hydra64 spectrum to bring out the best of their colors. I am definitely looking forward to see them grow overtime. Just beside the SPS are the mid-range torches. If these torches can survive, I may consider getting the holy grail of torches. Below are more photos of the front, side and top profiles of the shallow lagoon reef. Please enjoy. Once the reef establishes itself, the fishes will make their debut. Stay tuned.
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