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  1. To all the reefers who have responded to my plea for advice, thank you very much for your kind advice. Just to clarify though, I am not entirely new to this hobby. In fact, I have been reefing for almost 2 years now and this will be my second setup. In my first setup, I did not dose any bacteria and even though I waited almost a month before introducing any fish and coral, the first entrants did not fare very well. Since then, I have been reading up on what other reefers say and would like to try out bacteria dosing to experience it myself. I have narrowed it down to Biohome and Biodigest for the products to try. Would very much like to hear your experience if any of you have used these products before. Once again, your advice/feedback would be much appreciated.
  2. Hi, I am starting a new 4 ft tank soon and would like some advice from all the sifus out there. I have read a lot about dosing bacteria during tank startup and would like to give it a try this time round as I am sick of waiting for weeks for my tank to mature before I can add in fishes and corals. For those who have dosed bacteria during startup before, can you kindly share your experience? 1. Is it really effective? 2. Can you recommend what product to buy? Thanks, Josh
  3. Hmm, artica chiller is a great chiller. The best in my opinion. I am using one myself. Upzz for your sale, bro!
  4. Hi, I have been using bioptim together with biodigest for almost two years now and must say i am pretty happy with the results. I just checked the back label of my box of bioptim and this is what it says: - Bioptim Marine provides bacteria with all the missing micro-nutrients, trace elements, selected amino acids, natural vitamins (Riboflavin) and surface agents from plants to facilitate absorption of the components by the cells. - Bioptim Marine dynamises these bacteria and enables a reduction in nitrates, phosphates and carbohydrates, a decrease in silt, mulm and filamentious algae, and an improvement to the quality of the water. - Bioptim Marine maintains a raised Redox potential and reduces infections and mycosis. - Bioptim Marine in combination with Biodigest revitalises your aquarium. The result is a clean tank, healthy fish, vigorous plants, flourishing invertebrates. So i think it is more than just bacteria food. Nnot sure if vokha does all these as well but i think i will just stick to bioptim and keep the vokha for myself. Question - does anyone know for sure that bacteria don't get tipsy or something for if they do, it can sure as hell explain all the bacteria infection we've been hearing about. lol
  5. i started with grotech but then switched to ecosystem coz it was exp. i am paying $11 for each ecosystem 16 oz bottle.
  6. what do u mean by small? my tank is 4' and i dose 3 times a week. i buy 2 or 3 sets of A,B,C each time and that would normally last me 2 mths. it's the cheapest Balling Method product i can find in petmart.
  7. hi bro, i have been using balling method for the last two years with my new setup. it does work very well for me. so far, i have no problem keeping my water parameter in check. i m dosing Calcium A, B and C from EcoSystem Aquarium, USA.
  8. hi all, This article has been very educational. I have been dosing bacteria for over a year but didn't really understand how it works until now. Thank you, samareef. Questions pls - how does biodigest differ from the other bacteria products and is it costly? Thanks, jo
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