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Everything posted by shengyuan

  1. Iwarna had some when I went, bought one from them. I wouldn't trust them around small shrimps, mine already went for my camel shrimp but it got away.
  2. Hey bro any pics of your new Achilles Tang that you had in the bag when I came over the other day?
  3. Nah I plan to keep it in a 2 foot species tank that I am in the process of setting up, it's temporarily in a betta box in my 3 foot. Pictures asap
  4. Wah last night was hell.. Mantis shrimp escaped from the betta box into the main tank. Stayed up for hours clearing all the rocks to catch it back out. Lucky none of my other live stock were harmed, especially the decorator crab it was interested in. Took the opportunity to do a complete rescape!
  5. Haha when I first read the topic title I thought you were looking for regal to makan.. "Help on getting regal to eat. thanks!" Good luck on getting your angel to eat
  6. I have four blue green chromis in my 3ft, 3 of them have an electric blue stripe running from the eye to the tip of the face but one of them doesn't have it. The one that doesn't have it has an injury near the caudal peduncle and is sometimes being chased around by the others. Is there any significance of the chromis having the blue stripe on its face? And aren't chromis supposed to be shoaling fish that won't fight?
  7. CF got huge Hawaii shipment, a lot of Mimic, Tomini, Kole, Yellow Tangs very nice FA also.
  8. Does anyone have spare black sand to sell :)/give to me? Enough for a 2ft. SMS at 9828-117. Reasonable offers please
  9. Hahaha actually I was wondering where to find live food for this fellow. Feeding her camel shrimps at $3 each would be painful for my wallet and it'd be such a waste of a pretty camel shrimp.. Will be posting videos when the tank is set up for sure
  10. Hehe yeah I saw that one too.. Damn cool! Any comments/advice/help welcome too
  11. She's quite small, only around 5 cm so she shouldn't post a threat to the tank for the moment. Thanks for your support
  12. I'm starting up a new tank in addition to my 3 footer. It's a 2 foot tank dedicated to one peacock mantis shrimp. So far I only have the tank, bought from a friendly reefer. Here's my mantis, currently quarantined by itself in my 3 foot until I can get the 2 footer up and running. Still looking for a blue/white 2 foot light (the one in the picture is purple), skimmer, pump, wave maker, sand, LR, salt etc. Will keep updating.
  13. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=83099&hl= ^here
  14. Looks like I'm providing the right conditions then for the help
  15. Any idea what's the family/species name?
  16. Here's when it's retracted.. Sorry for the image quality, my digital camera died How do you tell if the base is soft or hard?
  17. 4 months ago I found around 3 polyps of these coral and now it's growing all over my tank. Anyone know what it is?
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