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Everything posted by flamey

  1. very interesting topic. My take, to answer the threadstarter's qn, of course its biased.. Why? Because the (reefing) community perceives SPS dominated tanks to be holy grail of reefing. Rightly so or not, its really up to individual's perception aint it? Like a few mentioned above, for non sps lovers, pls dont be discouraged by it.. Ultimately, we're all in this hobby bcoz we appreciate the marine world and want a slice of it in our living room. Just to share, imo, an absolute gem of a tank.. im sure its been shared before.. http://fish-etc.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/cp-farm-japanese-reef-tank.jpg One man's meat is another man's poison..
  2. hi as above.. looking for a nice clown pair.. either true percs, picassos or black clowns.. pls pm me the size, price and collection place. Thanks
  3. As above.. pm me the quantity, price and collection place.. thanks
  4. As above.. Collection in punggol.. 40dlrs
  5. Hi.. I have 2 unopened bags to let go.. 30dlrs.. Collection punggol.. Pls pm
  6. as above.. yellow tang (about 3inch plus) SGD 30.. flame hawk SGD 50.. both feeding on pellets please take note that you will need to give me time to catch the fishes. WIll only catch when there is a confirmed buyer. Interested pls pm. Thanks
  7. Hi, as above.. Bought from tht79 this morning as a package but the blue tang is too big while didn't dare risk the emperor angel in my reef tank.. Collection at punggol.. Price as follows: Emperor angel (adult) SGD 50 Blue tang SGD 20 Marine betta SGD 30 Common clown FOC All are already feeding pellets in my sump tank.. Hope to clear fast as I don't want to keep them too long in the sump..
  8. Thanks! Will contact him.. Cheers!
  9. Thanks for the link bro.. saw that just now.. I actually hoping for a mini colony instead of a frag..
  10. As above.. Do pm me if u have one for sale.. Cheers!
  11. anybody keen, of course, i will top up the difference..
  12. Hi.. Pls pm me should you have excess to sell.. Preferably collection near punggol.. Cheers
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