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Everything posted by untouchables

  1. hahaha tomolo morning go cheong there and see what is on offer... normally monday the worst day for buying stuffs but lets see what the farms have to offer since tuesday is ph and they probably gonna stock up tomolo for ph sales.
  2. thanks. i believe is the last farm along neo tiew crescent? saw they got lots of pbt the other day.
  3. whether is adequate is relative as the effectiveness of a chiller depends on the diff between surrounding temp and water temp and how many degrees you want to cool down to.
  4. saw one big PBT at pasir ris. very nice colour. the other smaller ones are a shade too light but this fella is very nice. quoted at $22. almost catch into my pail but saw some cotton like stuffs at left fin. decided not to risk getting a sick fish so forgo it. now still dreaming of it.
  5. juz curious why sea horses dont need live rock? i thought live rocks helps to remove all the waste in the tank, which sea horses will also produce? unless of course their waste is too little and a normal filter is sufficient. then again, if put live rocks, then can do away with the filter?
  6. bros who are interested in live rocks should go take a look. initially i am in the opinion that $8/kg is on the high side but when i went there to collect my tomato clown, i took 3 pieces straight away. would have taken more but no money liao... go take a lot, worth the money.
  7. bro, u keep updating on what is sold but never heard from you on the live rocks. sent you 2 PMs liao. cheers!
  8. bro, pm u about the lr. still available? never hear fr u yet.
  9. PM u last nite but have not heard from you. interested in all ur LR. thanks!
  10. i doubt so cos i pm him immediately after his post and if i get them, i will take all
  11. bro, confirm i take and if i can make it at time and place, i will call you 30-60 minutes before coming. check ur PM for details. cheers!
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