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Everything posted by digibee

  1. Hi, these are my lighting schedule:- White light: 16:30 to 23:30 Blue light: 20:00 to 00:30 Yesterday, I have adjusted my chiller temp to 27.5 degrees; As I found out that it kicks in too often; This is because my surrounding cause the water temp to increase to 28+ quite fast; So by adjusting to 27.5 degrees, the chiller kicks in less often. Though of course I prefer 26.5 degrees; Nevertheless; I may change my chiller to 1/5 hp one in the near future. Just for info, the chiller output is back to the same compartment in the sump from where the input is. And my chiller is inside the cabinet; with a big hole at the back and occasionally, I open the top part of my cabinet to let hot air out. Also note that my maxspect temp can go up to 49 degrees when both white and blue lights are on. Maxspect 160w version.
  2. hahaha, no la, his place very far from mine; I am from the East; so will not travel there just for that frag. By the way, where do you live? If nearby East, can get from you.
  3. My supersun by iPhone ... But one more small head could not extend because of the two big heads blocking it ....
  4. Good thought out arrangement Jacky! As I am still new in the reefing arena; I am more interested in (2) and (3) as I do not have so called nice frags to exchange. No. 2 is great; Me and a few reefers here have much success getting SPS no. 2 way. Each of us came out about $100; and we got about 10 to 12 different frags of SPS !! Maybe we can extend no.2 to other "fraggable" corals? For small or even big tank; putting frags and let it grow seems to be more satisfying; and for small tank we cannot fit in huge chunk of corals. Varieties are nicer. Also, I think we can combine (1) and (3) together; that means we can trade / sell whichever comes first. Simplicity will most likely leads to success. Cheers!
  5. His mother forgot to switch off the caps.
  6. Media box is sold separately. One palm full of carbon + one palm full of rowaphos.
  7. Nice and neat tank. Love the color of the cabinet
  8. Yeah, will get one to try. However, some of my zoas already stuck onto big rocks; so those cannot be coralrxed.
  9. Looking at my 4 clown fish swimming aimlessly ... feel like buying some kind of corals for them to take a rest. Anemone? Gonio? Any suggestion? Thanks!
  10. No chance of the peppermint shrimp eggs to hatch and grow. If I am not working full time, maybe can try .... haha! http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/april2004/feature.htm
  11. Hahaha, go LCK get one .... very hard working fellow. Just now went to check out my tank again. Seemed to have alot of other critters .... on my zoas as well. Feel like getting other type of shrimps to take care of those critters; some looks like small worms, some looks like little insect! I think only good camera can capture them in action. And that huge crab, was crawling all over the tank .... looking for food or something.
  12. Went to take a look at my tank when all lights are off. Woohooo.... look what I saw ... My peppermint shrimp went for some supper .... she is carrying lots of eggs .... wonder it will hatch or not?!? And found the other one ... yeah! Feasting on my last aiptasia inside the rock. This guy got no eggs ... Saw this huge burger ....! Hope it is not destroying my rockscape and corals! Not a shy fellow with torch light. And wow, I forgot about the red crab I bought when I got my tank .... He is still around ... and a little bigger in size; very very shy fellow. And this majano or something still around ... thought I have eradicated it .... saw it inside one of my rock! Could not take it out now .... use joe juice to kill it? Any suggestion? This pic was taken the last time.
  13. Hey, my peppermint shrimp seems to be carrying some eggs. It just stays at this corner the whole time, I think for a few days already. But I could not find the other one though!
  14. from those pics, I can only guessed mah.
  15. Your crabs and shrimp were doing some exercise.
  16. Ok, will ping you if I found them. These shrimps grow very fast, in my tank!
  17. The maxspect also have heat sinks .... these will help to reduce the heat and the heat will come off from the side ventilation holes.
  18. Yeah, called them to reserve; but he said no need to reserve; still got alot.
  19. Overslept ; getting it this weekend.
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