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Everything posted by linkiat

  1. Went down to check it out just now. Not too bad quality, but may need a few more days of cycling. Anyway good service and friendly ppl at Aquamarine. You guys might want to drop in and take a look!
  2. aqua marine. thanks. and also wat time do they close on weekddays?
  3. can anyone provide exact address ? i'm looking for good live rock. also how much is it going for?
  4. hi I'd like the hairy mushroom. can PM me the price?
  5. any place having nice live rocks? coralline algae coverd?
  6. Rusty, I would like to get the Dymax T5 3ft lighting. $40. You can drop me a PM to arrange. Prefer to meet at Clementi, MArsiling MRT station. either one. Thanks.
  7. hippo. still waiting for your call leh... see u online but no reaction...
  8. hi, pls refer to your PM. can u call me? Interested in some LR and yumas from you. =)
  9. got a suggestion. you can fill up with bioballs inside the overflow, and then put two layers of filter media with rowaphos in the middle (costly but if you dont overfeed your fish, should last quite long ~ 2 months for me). then weekly just need to wash the top layer of filter or to change it out. main tank put more live rocks. should do the trick. this is what i'm doing and it works out fine so far. not much algae growth and also water is kept clean with frequent filter cleaning (just need to clean the top piece)
  10. wow. brilliant idea. i always tried to scoop up the top layer.
  11. sigh yah... but nvm lah. will see how it goes. in the meantime, enjoying it's beauty =)
  12. ###### shrimps @ ML quite cute! Got 2 of them. Rather small so kept them in a small container but left in main tank. already feeding on frozen brine shrimp and mysis. =)
  13. can consider Macro ASF400 model. the smallest version should fit your budget.
  14. Just got back from Henry's place ML. Some new LR just arrived as i walked in. Very good quality. Hand picked! Too tempting, got one pc from him even though my tank is pretty full. heh! For those setting up new tanks, there are a few big pieces. A little on the high side in terms of cost but to me definitely worth it! Also saw yellow tangs, electic blue hermit crabs chevron tangs (3+ inches) orange shoulder tangs (4+ inches) algae blennys (2 - 4+ inches) PB Tang (2+ inches) A.T. (1pc but sold) True Pecula Clowns (1+ inch onwards)
  15. my AT from Par@#$ Re#$ also got Ich. Quite serious, some more in my Q tank. But lucky thing, eating mysis bit by bit (drop in 1/2 a cube disappeared the next morning and also eating aquapharm marine veggies (nori) which i saw with my own eyes =) . dip in freshwater (pH: 8.2 and S.G. at 1.010 for 10 mins last night. now better. my Q tank is hypo salinated at 1.015 which i'll probably keep it there for a few more days before slowly increasing it back to 1.022. so should keep the ich at bay. fish is still swimming around doing ok.
  16. my cleaner wrase eats frozen mysis, brine and cyclopeeze like a pig. =)
  17. Rowaphos works. you dont have to change it too frequently. just make sure you have the right amt for your tank size. also as what hippo says, reduce feeding, photo period slightly. may want to check type of synthetic salt used (if you are using it) some are known to contain small amts of phosphates and nitrates. also get an algae blenny, snails (10 or more) to help u out
  18. yah wrong forum, should be in the other one whereby everyone displays their tanks... =) Anyhow, just my two cents, live rock a bit stacked too closely, may want to open up more make more use of your aquarium 'height'. since you have one or two branch live rock so can make creative use of that but as always aquascaping is your individual choice. also those that were mentioned are difficult species to keep so you need to watch out incase they 'go up lorry' and contaminate your water and killing off rest of ls. looks like you've got an overflow tank at the side, not necessary to have bio balls and coral chips to grow bacteria since you already have quite a bit of lr. may want to put more filter, add some rowaphos between the filters to keep phosphate level in check to prevent algae outbreak. as is, i see quite a bit of'unwanted' algae growing on the lr already. (green, you want purple coralline) introduce a wave maker to the side to generate more water movement this way the tank will look more 'alive'. but all these are just my input. other reefers or enthusiasts will have their methods =) mine is only a small 3 ft tank. simple FOWLR tank.
  19. I often wonder how each and everyone of us introduce fishes to our quarantine or main tanks. some will mention switching off lights, mixing a bit of water etc... just want to find out from everyone their individual methods and how successful they are. for myself, i will float the bag for 5 mins, then open it and intro a bit of water every min until the bag is full then pour half away and intro the fish into the quanrantine tank. feed with cyclopeeze about 5 - 6hrs later. as for success rate ~ 60%. some fish never overcome stress and still die eventually. so was hoping that everyone share their experiences so that everyone can learn
  20. is Reborn a good place to get it? (as in cheap) coz I'm dropping by that area later...
  21. Wondering if anyone can recommend a skimmer for ~ $120 for my 3 ft tank. I've read about the neddle and venturi versions but not too sure how much they cost. Also I've treid the air stone versions before but a lot of work needed to change air stones. So that's why I'm thinking of getting a venturi skimmer. anyone can recommend one and a good place to get ? oh one more thing, how long would u guys usually take before seeing the thick 'kopi' forming?
  22. They can custom make 3ft tank with LS, Corals etc for $1XXX. (for those who would like a nice setup for their homes without hassle) =)
  23. ML has new shipment from Bali. True Percs, Clarkii, Sebae Clowns and a tank full ~15 of Moorish Idols! On top of that some anthias, Lt Tangs, Powder Blues from last shipment still available and looking healthy.
  24. wah... can share with us how you get your rocks so purple ???
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