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Everything posted by clee123

  1. ya lor...bro.. you are right..it's all my fault... However, I did read on coral goby from the website... In general, they are reef safe.... but doesn't mention they are "too" reef friendly that they love to hide in the Acro and Milli...
  2. ha..ha... I am fulfilling your crosshatching dream... more pictures on that coming soon....
  3. He..he.. done some renovation to the 3-in-1 Sump/refugium/frag tank... This is the new home for little blackie... Also got it a little friend so that it is not lonely in the new home... the yellow coral goby... The main reason this yellow coral goby is in the sump is because it is the reason why many of my SPSs are stressed.. So, another lesson learnt... small little fellow can do big damages...don play play.. Any other ideas what are good to keep little blackie company and train it to become a real night knight one day ...before realesing it to the dark forest someday??
  4. Sales Update: Beckett Skimmer - sold and collected.. CR still available...
  5. bro, Good to hear that frags are doing well ...hope they grow to become big colonies...
  6. Decided to do a major clean up to my sump over the weekend.. 1) Brought this batch of Live Rock from T95 you will always discover suprises in T95 LR.... 2) Since I stack up my two skimmers for optimum water level using plastic baskets.. so those LRs go into in the four baskets as fliter media... Hopefully this will provide better filtered water in conjunction with the new Skimmer..
  7. Sales Update: Beckett Skimmer - reserved for collection
  8. Hi all, Have the following items for sales after tanks upgrading: 1 x Becktett Skimmer with waste collector (used for 9 months brought from this forum) - $88 disassembled, cleared, re-assembled and ready for use.. 1 x Aquamedic NB1000 CR with CO2 Cylinder/Solenoid valve/ATM feeder pump - $88 CR fills with ARM Calcium and D&D Magnesium media All the above items are still in good working condition before the upgrading.. Viewing and collection is at Gerald Terrace (YCK/Jalan Kayu) area. Interested parties please PM or sms (98177568) me.
  9. ha..ha...that's like throwing stones at your own legs...
  10. hey sis... good luck to your tank move... ... should have some tank warmming once it is done..
  11. wow...bro that's awesome piece of technology.... a winner Do you know which LFS carry this product?
  12. IMO, the shape makes the different - "conical-shape has distinct design advantages - the bubbles in the reaction chamber are forced to move vertically upward, resulting in natural foam formation to minimize bubble bursting. This natural foam formation of the bubbles reduces surface agitation, thus creating a gentle foaming within the skimmer and results in increased skimming efficiency. Together with the use of the bubble plate design, turbulence within the reaction chamber is significantly reduced, allowing maximum air flow capacity in a compact skimmer." The reason the cone shape skimmer are more costly..becoz the cylinder need to be special made as compared to the standard cylinder.. other than that the engine (pump) is the same...
  13. Like your AT bro... If I am not wrong..it should be from LCK??
  14. Bro, You really need to check out the height of your sump to see if I can go in or not.. for my 6 footer, I took me a few tries to finally squeezed it in...as the piping was block the way...
  15. Thanks sis, We almost can bang on each other door if you got the house near mine...
  16. Thank bro comycus for your good comments.. I would say I am very happy with new toy now ... as to the after sales service ...you might need to check back to this thread in one year time..
  17. Thanks bro BFG for pointing out... the review and comparision is actuall on Royal Exclusive Bubble King 250 Deluxe Internal!! BM300 model is way above the league for a truthful comparision with the rest... So if you take the specs word by word from RD website is Specifications For aquarium = 800 - 2,000 L Air = 1,500 L/H Water = 2,000 L/H Pump Wattage = 48W Base Plate = 28 x 45 cm Height = App. 65 cm Warranty = 1 year so my data is correct except that I posted the wrong picture.. Sorry...I repost the image from the Royal Exclusive Shop
  18. Sm251 - Did spoke with AM on the SKIMZ Skimmer... the pump warranty is 1 year...as to the rest of the skimmer part..she told me that I can bring in anytime if something is wrong.... by that I mean after the general warranty period of 1 years. Beside, the factory is very near my place.. Both Deltec SC2565 and Bubble King 250 are carried by RD - my impression is that you will get premium service for a premium price (much like sending your BMW for service and pay for the expensive part if over warranty period). However, if you bring in the item yourself from other means, chances that you will not get the service.. Bubble Magus BM250S - This will depend where you get the product from. Based on my best knowledge, Jireh or Iwarna carry this brand. If you got it from Iwarna, you will probably get a frist level service from them before turning to the supplier (for example, they might lend you a skimmer or the parts while the skimmer is sending for service). So I would say the service level is good and you might get a further 10-15% on the item if you are regular there. As for Jireh, I would say standard service within warranty period. After that, you might be on your own..and get your own backup stragtegy if you have one.. Interestingly, BM250S is quite affortable if you can bring in outside of Singapore. For example, directly from China, Hong Kong or from on-line shop.. I did see some on-line stores are selling the same item at a good price of US$365 - US$460. Of course, if you go by this evenue..this is the price you pay for no service. Reef Octopus XP-5000SSS - This is actually a very good product with new bubble blaster pump. The new pump is the core selling point. I was actually deciding between SKMIZ and Reef Octopus mainly on the new pump design and the new Skimmer look (both are new product linea and are in promotion period). Furthermore, if I get either product I can safely assume that I will get good local service. You can get this from Iwarna and expect further discount of 10-15% for regular. I think AM has shopped carry Reef Octopus skimmer already. Alternatively, you can get another model SSS-5000INT which are using the same HY-5000S Bubble Blaster Skimmer pump but with old skimmer body at a cheaper list price of S$929. I must say SKIM's ES5000 pump (http://www.skimz.sg/products/protein_skimmers/monzter3.html)and Reef Octopus HY-5000S pump (http://www.reefoctopus.com.cn/ShowProduct.php?id=14)are equally powerful products. However, what will you choose if you were asked to decide on flying a single engine plane or a twin-engine plane in long haut journey across the pacific ocean? bro cedricang, sorry to disapporint you.. I slept early yesterday...so no OT...
  19. thanks bro.. Picture can tell a thoursand word.. Hope this is informative for sis/bro here...
  20. Received couples of queries and PMs on the performance of the new Skimmer and how I come out with the winner... So...the followings are some information I gethered over the last few months on the technical specs of various branded Skimmers in the market and are available locally... I looked at the two imporatant deciding factors in making my choice - the E-T-A factor and P-T-P factor E-T-A Ratio (energy to air ratio) = 1920 LH / 40W = 48 (e.g. SM251) the higher number the better performance P-T-P Ratio (Price to ETA Performance ratio) = Price/ETA lower cost for better price performance Of coz, there are other considerations such as the local support, warranty, the look and feel, and special discount or parallel import that might need to be take into acccounts... if you are looking at the Price performance ratio...no body is close to the SM 251... so my choice is clear...
  21. Thanks bro... Last weekend indeed was very busy... need to change 200L of NSW for my home tanks... upgarde the office tank.. shopping for fish food and fishes... mainly because my parents went for holidays...so save the visiting time for maintenance..
  22. Yes...indeed pain in my neck...whenever I need to clear the skimmer...I really need to break the skimmer neck ...and my heck too.. That was also one of the reasons I decided to upgarde the skimmer..
  23. Decided to "might as well" upgrade some live stock... so...here they are ... Saw these two fishes eating pallets in the LFS...so I guest it's my lucky day... Hopefully this will bring more life to the office...
  24. Upgrade of Equipement was done over the weekend.. Breckett Skimmer up and running with good kopi o FR up and running fine... CR setup but not yet tuned..
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