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Everything posted by teebs

  1. Hmmm...I think the savings is a lot more than just $15- $20. I found a website selling including postage to Singapore @ USD 120. So probably will be ard SGD 170 thereabouts if you charge to your credit card. Savings about $70 odd. My shipments from US typically arrive in ard 2 weeks if they ship by normal air post. If by Fedex/UPS/TNT roughly ard 4-6 working days. Doing the DIY holder isn't that difficult. You can do it using thin styrofoam boards. If you lazy, can use those take away styrofoam containers or even Myojo/Koka instant noodles styrofoam bowls.
  2. How many tests left? I'm staying in the west so can pick up from you at pioneer mrt.
  3. I know about the ice probe from Reef Depot but it isn't cheap @ $249 and also it is not an integrated unit unlike the one in the link. If I use that probe from Reef Depot, I will have to DIY a holder for it before I can place it in my nano tank.
  4. Well when they installed for me 5 years ago they were using an under gravel filter but basically due to the small size of the pump, it was basically just for show. I stuggled with the tank for a year plus and finally threw in the towel and converted it to a fresh water set up instead. Now I'm revisiting the idea of converting it back to a marine setup... Anyway, how do you get the water temperature to ard 27 deg? I was looking at this product for my nano tank (2x1x1) as it is difficult to bring down the temp to 27 deg using ice cubes alone... http://www.marinedepot.com/chillers_coolwo...chiller-ap.html Haven't seen any shop in Singapore selling this though.
  5. Ok, now I realise that my tank is different from your Atlantis tank... The wall mounted tank I got from Aquatic Style is really only a 4ft x 10" x 4" tank without any compartments at all. The distance from the sides of my tank to the mounting panel is ard 1cm on either side. So for wave makers, I don't think a magnetic mount type will work for me...
  6. My tank is 4ft x 10" (h) x 4" (w)...Can hardly find any pump that can fit inside such a small area... What equipment are you using in your tank? Will be monitoring your thread to see how it goes...
  7. Is the chiller working? Or need to replace fan before it can work?
  8. What is the height from the floor to the top of your tank?
  9. Bro, your Maxi Jet wavemaker (upgraded with sure flow 1600) is the maxijet pump + the sure flow 1600?
  10. Bro, when u say the fan of the chiller need to change, you are talking about the ventilation fan? And the model is Teco RA6? Cannot find the specs of this chiller. Can I take a look at the setup? I presume the tank is still currently set up as in the pics or has it been decomm already?
  11. Hi bro, I'm checking with 2 tank moving companies on their rates. Will discuss the price with you once they get back to me and when I decide which tank I will be getting. Just like to find out the height from the floor to the top of your tank. Need to find out where I can place the tank.
  12. Hi, could I know what is the height from the floor to the top of your tank? Need to check where I can put the tank if I get it. Also, the sump is included?
  13. Hi, is your stand actually a cabinet? Can't see very clearly from your pic. Also what is the height from the floor to the top of your tank? I need to check if I have the space to put the tank if I were to buy it. Where are you staying?
  14. Where are you staying at? Transport is a big problem for me as i stay in the west and I don have a car/van...
  15. Yup... Waiting to see if he will be successful in maintaining his wall mounted aquarium before I decide if I want to switch back to a marine setup again... But my tank dimensions seems to be smaller than his....
  16. Their new shop at Central is also selling hamsters... They are also selling a lot of nano tanks... Looking at their LS prices, they are easily 2-8 times more expensive than other LFS...I got my bubble tip anemone for my maron clown for $25 at JM but they quoted me $45 for one that was smaller than the one I bought at JM.
  17. I stay in the West area so no way for me to go to the East area to get my LS... Will check Marine Life out in future.
  18. You are talking about ##### Marine right? Anyway, right now, Julia is in charge of the shop assisted by her Indo worker (maid?). I got their 2ft tank with quick start system a couple of months ago and it's doing pretty well up till now. But are there any other LFS in the west area that are good?
  19. I never realised that Pet Lover's Centre sold marine LS... But the LFS at PS B2 is realler expensive....Turbo Snails @ $16.90 each, juve common clowns @ $7.90, Bubble Tip Anemone @ $25 - 45 depending on size... They recently opened a new store at Central basement...Dunno how they can survive with the ridiculous prices they are quoting...
  20. Can I know the height from the floor to the top of your aquarium? Do you have a pic that shows the entire stand and your tank? You can email the pic to me at teebs2593@hotmail.com.
  21. I also have a 4ft wall mounted aquarium from Aquatic Style. When I first installed it five years ago, I also went for the marine setup but I later converted it to a fresh water setup as I could never figure out how to control the water parameters in the tank...
  22. Thought you indicated in your previous post that the tank is sold off??? Any pics of your cabinet?
  23. The quick start system is fine for use with small tanks probably up to 3ft. I am using the quick start system with my 2ft marine aquarium without any issues for the past 2 months.
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