They will recover in due time.
Underwent a lot of rough treatment in my nano tank over the last few months. Will epoxy them on larger rocks and find a good place to place them in my tank tomorrow. Will be adding some live rocks tomorrow to increase the space for me to place the corals. Will also be putting in live sand tomorrow. hopefully Victor doesn't forget to bring them like he did previously.
Smaller fishes are more difficult to feed compared to larger ones. What are you feeding your fishes with now? Pallets or frozen? Eh...U want to collect the henrys tomorrow or thurs afternoon?
Not too sure if you could rear Reefmax Copepods in a tank...By right should be able to but also depends on the quality of the copepods. I only know that people have successfully done so using DT copepods and DT phytoplankton.
There is actually no expiry date for copepods. They are supposed to be live but of course in the bottle, some will die (hopefully not all) and also hopefully they will multiply. You have to put the bottle of copepods in the fridge though.
Shouldn't be too much. I set my temp at 27.5 degC and chiller kicks in at ard 28.5 degC so still quite ok.
Start with a small 1ft tank, then upgrade to a 2ft cube then finally to a 6ft tank.