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Everything posted by teebs

  1. Wah...itinerary so fast come out liao...
  2. Corals available with some updated pics. All corals below will be up for sale till 18 Dec. 1) Red Cynarina - $50 2) Red Lobo - $45 3) Zoa - $10 4) Green Prata - $40 5) Green Brain - $30 6) Green Bubble - $30
  3. hahahaha...thought the orange and the multi coulour one was the same...
  4. Go Reborn...U will see some super nice ones...
  5. I think Jacky wants a blasto garden also...so must save space...
  6. Wah....That is a solid red and huge cynarina...Mine is a midget compared to it... Blue mouth somemore...
  7. No problem. You are talking about the 10cm depth of the MCE600? Ya, no choice lah.
  8. Dunno whether he got the space to put this in his tank...Quite a big piece...
  9. Your yuma could probably feed on mysis or brine shrimps. Feeding them with frozen food will help in their colouration. Will try tonight to see if the blastos can feed on frozen brine shrimps.
  10. I think it could puff up a little bit more... Use your sea squirt to feed some zooplankton/copepods to them later tonight when lights are off and their feeding tentacles are out. You should see them bloat a bit more after they are fed...
  11. Let them acclimatise a couple of days more and with feeding of zooplankton, copepods or rotifiers, they should colour up a bit more.
  12. Too bad, nobody wants leh... Anyway, corals up for sale until 18 Dec 09.
  13. When in doubt, for p&s digicams, just use full auto mode. Then u can edit the photo using a photo editing software.
  14. Corals available with some updated pics. 1) Red Cynarina - $50 2) Red Lobo - $45 3) Zoa - $10 4) Green Prata - $40 5) Green Brain - $30 6) Green Bubble - $30
  15. Top up water loss due to evaporation is ONLY distilled/DI water. DUN add salt or else your salinity will increase... During cycling, do water change ONLY after your NH4 and NO2 levels are ZERO. Then do at least a 50% water change and you can add LS already.
  16. For my 322 tank, in 1 week, I top up ard 6-7 litres of DI water. Jacky, can test the distilled water to see if there are any nitrates & phosphates present in the water?
  17. Jacky, go Reborn and buy the Aussie rainbow scoly...
  18. Maybe something wrong with the chiller thermostat.
  19. Actually I heard Ah Bee say that they may consider doing monthly shipments of Aussie corals IF there is demand. Cost is due to the fact that the market in Singapore for Aussie corals is really small and their order quantity is really small compared to the US. Reborn only has 20 odd regular customers who buy Aussie corals at every shipment. The rest are those who buy Aussie corals once in a long while...
  20. Confirmed zhun... One single head is ard $150 - $200 depending on colour. So if you suay suay like one that got 6 heads, you are looking at ard $1k liao...
  21. Bruce, just to check, if there is a trip on the equipment connected to the RCD device, will the ELCB for the house trip as well? From what I know, RCD devices are used overseas because most homes do not have an ELCB protecting their electric circuits.
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