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Everything posted by girlanimated


    1. yikai


      sailfin tang. nice fish :)

  2. Hi guys, First post here, sadly quite a negative one.... Recently obtained a marine tank (professional setup). Did my homework on fish stocking and things that will NOT get along. Generally have been dabbling in marine (helping friends) for quite some time. However, as my dad paid for the tank, I have no control over what fish my Dad puts inside (his rationale is that it's his money so he can put any fish). Today, he bought a maroon clownfish, a pair of clarkii's anemonefish and a JUMBO 5INCH TOMATO CLOWN and threw them into the tank. While I was at school, he bought a pair of clarkii and one maroon clown. I assumed it would be okay as the maroon was slightly smaller than the clarkiis. However, was there when he bought the Tomato, and knew it was a bad idea. But he totally just ignored, saying since it was only 4 dollars it was worth it. I am not sure what to do at this point. As all of them are new to the sytem they don't show aggression for now, but I'm sure they're going to start fighting soon. It's a reef tank so it will be impossible to catch them out. How????? :(
  3. Just a newbie question, I thought Kuda fry are pelagic and need a steady, drifting current to survive? From what i see it seems to be a benthic set-up?
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