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Everything posted by comycus

  1. They only pay tt much for professional dancers for the gig (prob less than 30). The 100+ ad hoc dancers definitely not paid tt much. lol I have done some of these gigs before in my uni days, the pay went from as little as $50-250.
  2. Bro I'm interested in getting Joe's Juice for aiptasia control. If you wanna share let me know.
  3. the prinds can match the leopard prinds on my splendid!
  4. lolz both are boomz la... The favia's in healthy condition in my tank, maybe previous owner dunno how to take care of it
  5. lol it's a 'boomz' fish! Anyone care to ID the coral next to it? eh Lemon?
  6. EXQUISITE WRASSE!!! lol totally made my night when I saw my exquisite flaring up for 5min... What a beauty! (Pardon my lousy shots.. totally too excited to keep my hand steady while tracking the fish!)
  7. Bro can adjust your vortech to the correct height Tt's one of the advantages of it I guess.
  8. Hope to see pics of the gems you picked up!
  9. omg... the phone looks amazing. Prob another one of those thousand dollar phone which i can't afford. Its either I spend the money on corals or on phone... I'm sure many will prefer to spend on the former
  10. lol i didn't do any editing to your photo... but it looks alright to me. It looks more like playing with shadows than dark dark.
  11. wah bro, if i ever need to plan an installment scheme just to buy a coral, it just means i can't afford it.
  12. lol bro i just realised only why u said tt flame is like >10x as ex man!!! anyway I'm going to try something this weekend with the falco... crosses fingers
  13. lol you guys are making lemon's new rhomboid horny with all these pretty fishes
  14. oh man... i need your zoas collecting are !!
  15. bro I wouldn't take the risk. My chiller is in hidden in one small corner and I can feel the heat buildup quite abit even though there is sufficient ventilation. You will need some really powerful fans to keep the cabinet cool, not worth the risk. I'm sure with a bit of creative thinking, you can house the chiller beside the tank w/o it looking out of the way. Maybe create some sort of stool like an inverted U so that you can sit on it while admiring your side view. At the same time when you are mixing water/changing water or doing any other husbandry, you can use the stool as a stand/table.
  16. wow those fins will look awesome when they recover! Beautiful speciman you got there
  17. Just bought a ~2.5-3" falco from Iwarna on impulse last weekend, but decided to let it go as it can harm small snails/shrimps, and can be quite aggressive. Going to let go at $5. Same price I got it for. No buyers and I will return it to Iwarna this weekend. Feeding healthily on pellets, and would be a wonderful addition to any tank with bigger inhabitants. Willing to trade for feeding paired yellow clown gobies or neon gobies. Will top up any price difference in cash.
  18. bro law's advice on brook really v. accurate. Hope your other tank inhabitants are ok... should monitor them too.
  19. I would be interested to know too Intend to try suncorals soon, and other non photosynthetic corals. My plan is to flood tank with cyclopeeze and phytoplankton. Based on my experience and my tank, I have not seen any spike in nitrates even when flooding frozen food 3-4 times a week. I think Henry dishes out good advice on suncoral care. I would do whatever he has instructed. edit: dude I think you should give Henry a call/sms. He doesn't always come to src to check threads, have to run his business too!
  20. okie think I'm going to let go the falco... Don't want to risk my prized possessions for the sake of a $5 fish... Will post on pasar malam soon. Anyone interested can PM me. Going to let go at the same price I got for, no buyers will return to Lilian this weekend.
  21. As long as temperature stays below 29 degrees you are pretty safe. Some corals might open better in lower temperatures. Mine's set between 27-28.5.
  22. lol i prefer falco over flame... dunno why
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