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Everything posted by comycus

  1. Just wanna check. What do you want to see in a good shop? Lots of nice display tanks? High tech state of the art skimmers? Rainbow coloured, beautiful exotic corals? Schools of clownfish, tangs, angels swimming together? All of the above? Maybe a good answer would be that most of the above can be found in our LFS. Just not all in 1 shop Bro Reddevilz has given a v. good overview of what to expect at our LFS. I suspect you will prob like GO very much.
  2. I agree... the scaping is beautiful!
  3. Are you looking for all in one tanks? You can check out JBJ and RSM (RedSeaMax). Especially if you are looking to keep FOWLR, I think you should go for self customized tank. Reason being you will likely have heavy stocking of fishes and will need a much better skimmer than the stock one provided for these setups. Of course if $$ is not an issue, check out ELOS
  4. P&S cameras WB adjustment should be limited right? If it doesn't work for you, I think you should just switch off your Blue LEDs and take.
  5. errm... v. hardworking? Compared to me... I think my habits cannot keep SPS
  6. Just some thoughts for your new build 1. I highly recommend MCE600 for your ~3x1.5x1.5. Great mean machine that pulls out an amazing amount of gunk. As a HOB, you have the option of hanging it by the side or hiding it within your sump if you build one. 2. With a low cabinet of external dimensions of 90x40x50cm, your internal space will be very very small. Taking away the wooden frames, you will prob need to shave away 15-20cm. Will those dimensions even be enough to house your canister? 3. Sump or no sump, is up to you, like you said, an additional 5 gallons of water might not be worth tt trouble. However, that additional space might be good for you to build a small refugium to help you export nutrients, build a DSB etc. So here's another option for you to consider! HOB Skimmer + Canister + mini refugium. I would love to include a refugium in my current setup, but the headache of building one into my current setup is a major limitation. Therefore, it's good to explore this option when you're starting up. 4. The LED lights are a good choice. the 110W will be more than enough in your case. As you are looking to house the control unit within the cabinet and if the cabinet is going to be v. restricted in space, would be good if you also plan out the exact internal dimensions to ensure everything can be housed within. 5. If you are eventually going to get a chiller, include the chiller in your current planning. If you are using canister, get one that is powerful enough to return to chiller and back to tank. If you are using sump/refugium (as I suggested), plan a powerful enough return pump that can do the same.
  7. This is the way shallow tanks should look like! v. nice bro!
  8. Most prob molting and hiding in some cave... I don't think cleaner shrimps attack each other, especially when they have been tog for some time. I know mine don't. Unless you have some predator hiding in your tank, otherwise you might just see it again in a couple of days.
  9. wow you guys have all been busy! hahaa Jacky your tank still got space for more gems for outing this sun?
  10. They are poop machines. Pico already shouldn't be keeping fishes and you wanna keep lionfish? Get a bigger tank la!
  11. bro your sand looks quite fine grade. With wavemaker on will it cause sandstorm? Might wanna consider if you wanna do BB... Anyway since it's a pico, you can always decide what you want later. Like what you said, just cycle everything first, can trial and error for now. I strongly suggest hooking up your pico to some refugium. Can even be a pail hidden underneath the table. Reason being because you want as little clutter as possible from your pico. At the same time, can increase water volume. 5 gallons is really small, like 1 zoa polyp melt your tank crash kinda scenario... haha ok i'm exaggerating... but you know what I mean.
  12. sigh... I dare not step into GO.... afraid for my wallet...
  13. Your current scape looks like a lot of deadspots. Since tank is already a pico, so space-wise is already a constraint, my suggestion would be to take out the skimmer so you have more area to scape. Also why is your sandbed so thick? I would go with minimal sand, again because of space constraints. Deep sand bed is good for denitrification procses, but I don't think you have the space to play ard with. If you really want a DSB, can always link your pico to a larger refugium area to house your skimmer etc. Lastly, you want to leave some space between rocks and glass walls so you can clean the walls. Your current scape is v. limiting. When scaping the tank, also should take note of your future purchases. Especially for pico tanks, coz size is a constraint. Imagine having a nice rock structure and having to dismantle it in future to make way for a nice zoas colony or something like tt? The scape does not need to look perfect in the beginning, it should give you more space to build on in future with coral additions. Hope my tone doesn't sound too critical, I apologize in advance if I sound too insensitive.
  14. okie... my gf's current fav coral. Bought from RD recently. My coral stocking will prob be following this trend in future as my gf wants it to be more 'natural' not like tt "ugly looking thing". (my gf's term for my favourite brain corals... )
  15. Don't be too quick to throw it away. Thought mine was ECS, but I think it has sort of recovered now. Doesn't look as big as it was before, but the flesh definitely opening up much better now. Still crossing my fingers.
  16. Yupz, your fish only needs enough lighting to see their food.
  17. wah how come I keep quiet you still know what I'm thinking! tsk tsk... I will never ever steal your gems lemon... . . . . . . . . . Will leave some polyps/frag for you one... not so cold blooded like others here... Pass me your keys tmr k?
  18. just go to the baskets and check if they are there. The last time I checked saw 1 small basket full of them. Or have you considered getting dwarf hermit crabs?
  19. Tt's some insane looking heatsink + fans to cool your LEDs!
  20. yeah I know... whenever I buy corals I also have to consider where to put them. Its never "biggest is more value for money". It would be better if you buy frags for your tank. This way easier to place them.
  21. v. small fine arms that looked like fine thread with black and white markings? or some other markings? I have quite a few of these brittle stars hiding in my zoas. They are fine. Help to eat some of my detritus actually.
  22. Found the thing you wanted to know about bro
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