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Everything posted by comycus

  1. agree with bro peacemaker. It would be good to test the flow rates using freshwater. I have a feeling 2000L is too powerful for your tank. besides, it will prob be too chaotic for your corals/fishes unless you split the return into 2. btw bro no skimmer? and I dunno about you, but 4kg worth of biohome seems to be v. excessive for your nano tank! I think you can skip the live rocks in your IOS.
  2. beautiful little 'lagoon' u have there bro the fw is settling down nicely, flash flash flash!
  3. If you are thinking of getting cleaner shrimps (these buggers really eat anything...) i think 1 small one is enough terror. Actually I have 2 turbo snails but i've never encountered them shifting my rocks, even in my previous scape where I had smaller sized rocks. Maybe I'm lucky so far? Carpet anemones are really beautiful! I just find the sacrifices and risks to put them in my tank too much and too high, rather get other beautiful corals instead. just my 2 cents.
  4. yeah bro, I'm curious how your IOS works too. So far can only identify an underflow system from your setup. Care to share?
  5. the usual calcium, strontium, magnesium, iodine, trace elements... if you are gonna add any into your tank, be sure to test before adding. Iodine and strontium are only needed in small amounts. Rememer: more is good, but more can also be deadly
  6. quite frankly... i dunno lol Must test this weekend when I'm free. I doubt it's high, haven't been dosing any calcium at all for almsot 2 months. and i have not heard of any scientific correlation between coralline and nitrates.
  7. He posted a couple of videos on it's build and operation in his tank thread, can check it out bro
  8. dun mind me hogging, my diatoms seem to have receeded now tt the tank is more stabilised... only to be bugged now by another problem... coralline starting to grow on my sandbed... zzz
  9. tank looking good and all dolled up for cny bro! You have some aggressive fish in there, so remember to be careful on stocking list. and you got a pair of blotchies!!!! cool
  10. hahaaa my mother always said: First to the market gets the best and freshest fish.
  11. Super alpha male!!! gratz on your purchase! so jealous already.... my small fw still learning how to flash...
  12. paiseh... I have poor memory Then can use the chemical method (Joe's juice, kalkwasser, etc.) Or if you intend to keep copperband can keep a lookout for a good and healthy specimen.
  13. Bro if your tank is still in cycling stage, don't need to invest in peppermint shrimps tt might not work. Many other options to get rid of them
  14. coz ures is the 'ang moh' version and his is the 'malay' version. lol Regardless all still fall under the genus of Aiptasia belonging to the class of Anthozoa.
  15. Peppermints are not 100% effective. Recommend to try the other methods suggested.
  16. My advice is to concentrate on reading up on tank set up and cycling first. You can leave the rest till later so your brain doesn't go crazy with all the information coming in. Exactly what corals you wanna keep, what fishes you want to keep shouldn't be the priority. For starters, let's just assume you are going to keep a mixed reef tank of LPS and Softies with fishes. Equipment and tank build, it would be good to talk to the many sponsors in our forums to get an understanding on how to build your tank. You will also get a good idea on quotations, and be able to budget the rest of your equipment. Armed with this list and knowledge, you can then move on to learning the importance of cycling your tank. By then, you can start thinking about what fish and corals to add. Sponges, sea fans, tree corals in general are tricky that are not hardy and should not be tried by the beginner. After visiting LFS, getting to know more reefers here, you will have a clearer picture of what your new tank can or cannot support, and how to move on from there. The great thing is we all learn together and have a great time enjoying our tanks
  17. ok , but yes lemon, your avatar v. violent ah... lol even more violent than my previous one
  18. aiptasia. These corals are considered pests as they can take over your tank if not eliminated and sting your other corals to death. Get rid of them. Some ideas: commercialised aiptasia removers like joe's juice, peppermint shrimp (not 100% effective), copperband butterfly (they absolutely adore them, but these fishes are not easy to wean to processed food). Or you can epoxy them to death. Fellow reefer told me this is v. effective method.
  19. take another week to reply... Anyway, my water level is approximately 1 and a half fingers below the bottom of my skimmer body? from there on is bubbles all the way up to my skimmer cup. Powerful stuff!
  20. yeah... i had tt thought for like half a min. Then my good friend reminded me tt dosing of bacteria after water changes help to maintain the bacteria colony. So lol
  21. I just got my biodigest today. cool little vials. Bought a bottle of vodka to try vodka testing coz I thought I have been overfeeding and nitrates should have been slowly increasing. Tested my water parameters... fainted. nitrates <2.5ppm, rest zero. Think the moral of the story is keep bio load low, have a good skimmer and have good husbandry. Of course, having the rest of the stuff are good to have
  22. wow Jacky, your tank looks great! Must pay you a visit one of these days le!
  23. bro congrats on your new princess! You didn't miss anything, she's worth infinitely more than any exotic corals
  24. haha new tank syndrome coming up! Just bear with it for the next couple of weeks/months, will die down eventually. At least there's food for your future clean up crew right?
  25. You will want to start by reading up more bro. Some good stuff to kick off your hobby http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=82945 http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=85314&hl=
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