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Everything posted by comycus

  1. There are kiasu ppl out there that use gloves to handle corals. They prob belong to <1% of the reefing community. Shops are normally stocked based on shipment. I think a visit to the LFSes is worth much more than the advice we can give you here on how the stores categorise their corals or how to tell btw soft and hard corals etc.
  2. Most bros have the tank in the living room/dining room area. Actually noise is v. subjective. I suggest you go down to LFS or home visits to find out how noisy it actually is. To me, the 'noise' from my tank is minimal and doesn't cause any disturbance.
  3. well if ure wife can tahan the chiller, no worries about noise from the skimmer then
  4. How about noise from chiller? For me, the noisiest part of my tank is when the chiller kicks in. Drowns out everything else. Actually most skimmers are quiet, except the cheaper n lousier quality ones. Especially when housed inside the cabinet, you will not hear a thing.
  5. That's some fast n furious stocking! wah bro can let me visit your tanks? my gf stays at kechubong btw
  6. From my limited experience, the fishes that COs usually belong to 3 categories. 1) Fishes that are too aggressive to be kept 2) Fishes that will grow too big to be kept. 3) Fishes that are not reef safe. lol good luck bro! U have a great looking tank, dun fret!
  7. bro you mentioned that your army commitment is pretty random... Will you have enough time to commit to regular water changes and monitoring of your tank parameters? I only ask coz smaller water volumes will require more tank husbandry. Otherwise I strongly recommend you to get a tank + sump that gives you a gallonage of >50G. 75G better!
  8. lovely tank! I love the sump concept too! Looking forward to seeing your valley scape
  9. Yes it's possible. Why do you want to run it for only 10hrs?
  10. lol desi what if you were required to be fully draped in black and veiled and only allowed to show your eyes?
  11. http://www.strand-craft.com/ Luxury yacht comes attached with a gorgeous exterior, posh art deco-inspired interior with niceties like 52-inch LED TVs, Bang Olufsen sound systems, four staterooms, salon areas, over 14,000 horsepower capable of driving the craft to speed over 50 knots, and an included handcrafted supercar with a 880hp twin turbo V12 engine for all fellow daydreamers out there.
  12. That's coz we draw the line v. clearly. I agree with you on this. But not everyone approaches it this way, especially when one are put in the same position. Don't get me wrong, I do not condone such actions, nor do I sympathize with them. Just that I know for a fact that such actions can be deterred by proper disclosure and audit, because there will always be such cases lurking around the corner. I just don't understand why governance is so poor in Singapore.
  13. Imho it's a fairly fine line that individuals/organisations can cross when faced with so much $$ and success. Any act, be it right or wrong, can be easily justified when the person committing it believes in it. Very surprising that after so many similar incidents, we should have already stepped up the disclosure and auditing practices for non profit organisations, especially for large organisations where there are enough resources to meet such requirements.
  14. I finally spotted the blue velvet damsel... Let's just say that your future fish purchases have a 90% chance of being killed by it.
  15. thx for the update bro! Just for records sake, I got the same result last time when i aerated my culture,
  16. Omg Desi I'm so in love with your bartletts!!! can't wait for a good shipment to come! Are they feeding on pellets already? Just wondering how come u never take fts with your MH anymore?
  17. Beautiful tank, beautiful shots bro! On a side note, you have 2 Azure Damselfish in there already? Do be careful in future stocking as these buggers are pretty agressive.
  18. wah bro... lovely shots! I'm happy to see your tank back and up running so quickly!
  19. Yupz I agree with you. My point is don't compare DE's package with RSM and say since RSM is cheaper and bigger, so it's a better deal. If TS wants to get the biggest possible hassle free tank set up within his budget, there are other better options that can be explored.
  20. you are not comparing apple to apple here. your $1900 package includes 1. Low iron glass (which is alot clearer than normal float glass, and approximately 2-3X more expensive than normal glass) 2. LED Lights (which is a new technology that saves utilities and heat generation) 3. Top of the line Vortech wavemaker. If you have checked out the different packages that DeLightings provide you will find many other options available other than the $1900 package. I gave you the link in my first reply. If you have checked quotes with other tankmakers, you will realise that a 2ft custom built tank with similar specs/equipment as the RSM will cost much much less than the RSM. I have also given u my opinion on this.
  21. I really should boycott myself from this forum for the next few months to help my wallet recover...
  22. Other than the 1.5ft display tank at Iwarna, how do you 'see' a custom made tank? All the other tanks in AM and Iwarna are at least 3ft and bigger. Just wondering what are the reasons why you seem to be leaning towards RSM? Fyi RB set-up their 20" cube over the weekend at IMM. You can give them a call to ask where you can view their display.
  23. add bacteria or market prawn to kick start the cycling. u should consider whether u want to get a sand bed. what equipment are u getting?
  24. Eh I'm confused which nano tank is this? Powder brown looks so nice!!!
  25. bro, Iwarna's 1.5 cube is from DeLightings... Ask Victor for a quote on 2ft cube instead, with equipment all in. And you can call Vincent from Aquarium Artist and also Reborn for their quotes.
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