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Everything posted by comycus

  1. which LFS told you tt? V. interested to know. And try not to leave your LR out of water for so long. If really need to be out of water for such a long time, Wrap newspaper around your rocks and wet the newspaper. It's just a temporary measure. Remember to wash your LR in saltwater after tt or u will have shredded newspaper flying ard in your tank.
  2. Feed your fishes till they are happy then feed your suns. Try not to flood with Henry's or you can see your nitrates shooting up.
  3. Amazing video of world champion freediver Guillaume Nery performing an underwater “base jump” at Dean’s Blue Hole, the deepest blue hole in the world located in the Bahamas. Not only is the dive incredible, its filmed entirely on breath hold by the french champion Julie Gautier. Courtesy Reefbuilders
  4. I don't know about M1, but Singtel sends my entire family a whole stack of vouchers/free phone/bill rebate every year.
  5. No need to divide by 3. But take the colour reading from top down, not at the side. It's really tt blue? Coz most of the time even with some po4, it should be a v. v. v. slight tinge of blue. In fact, if you are running po4 remover, will prob be clear water. You can test RO/DI water. Result should be clear. If not, then test kit should be faulty. What do you mean by getting Iwarna to help with dosing pumps? Does Victor bring in their in-house dosing pump? Otherwise the best value for money dosing pump I can find in the market right now is RD's profillux stand alone dosing pumps (cwith controller).
  6. omg tt naked clown looks... naked!! hahaaa v. cute fishes! Hmmm so I guess you didn't manage to epoxy your rocks but everything else worke perfectly?
  7. bro what do you mean by 1ppm? I think the limit is normally <0.03 lei... 1ppm your corals would be shrivelling up and dying in no time. I use rowaphos. Alot of bros swear by it. I still put the media in my sump but I don't use FR. I place it in area of high water flow to maximise contact. Yes po4 can be removed using WC. Feed less. All fish food have some levels of po4. I have also heard good stuff about goodbye po4 sold by Henry. He's having a great gss sale now, can check it out too. btw which dosing pump are you getting? I'm considering getting one in future too if I do decide to make the plunge can go SPS dominated!
  8. What do you mean by you are getting a dosing system? Dosing pumps? That will help you maintain your Ca, Mg and KH levels. If that's the case, don't need Ca Reactor anymore. You can find debates on dosing pump vs ca reactor online. Unless you are thinking of going full sps tank, i suggest not getting either equipment. Regular water changes is sufficient to replace and replenish your tank parameters. Until you gain more experience and want to go into sps then can consider then. It's not necessary to get all the equipment right now. Like you say, start slow first. Don't rush and get everything, sometimes buying stuff that you don't need. You can get a fluidised reactor to put either phosphate remover or activated carbon. These are just simple reactors to which have the relevant media placed inside and running water through it to allow the media to have more contact with your tank water. It's another good to have equipment. My tank has been running w/o FR and is doing fine.
  9. Think it says min recommended for clowns are 20g? Dun think they will have space to swim once u add in rocks. I've seen them in the jbj 28g n i think tts about the smallest tank for putting clowns.
  10. Eh? I thought you were going ahead with the 1.8x1.5x1.5! Well since it's a 11 gallon pico, your choice of fishes are extremely limited. Can look at liveaquaria for a guide. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/aquarium-fish-supplies.cfm?c=15+2124 I don't think you can keep clowns in the small tank bro. I live in the West, Upper Bukit Timah area.
  11. call the blog "My princess' nano" easy, kill 2 birds with a stone
  12. I like your plan bro. V. good to see your research paying off Just some 2 cents worth. Plans are normally made to be be changed, so stay flexible. But most imptly is don't do impulse purchases. Sometimes a trip to the LFS might result in buying something u never thought of keeping, coz the temptation will definitely be there. As long as you have done your hw, you will know whether your tank can support, whether adding this particular fish will wreak havoc in your tank etc. Happy reefing bro! Can start calling the tank makers for quotations.
  13. how come your blotchy is lying on the sandbed? Hope it's active! Tt's a beautiful AT too! Hope your tank conditions are good enough to keep it! I really must find time to see your tank this weekend!
  14. No to both. Please do your research. The role of a skimmer is not to make water clear. Completing the Initial Set-up http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2008-02/newbie/index.php Reef aquarium filtration http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-06/dw/index.php And lastly, everything you need to know http://www.reefcorner.com/reef%20keeping_101.htm Help us help you. Otherwise, there's no point in starting this hobby and always end up with fish dying, corals dying and going out to purchase new fishes and corals every week.
  15. lol pm-ed you! yeah... really need to get her to like the hobby. As of last weekend, she said 'no' to a tank in our house in future if we do settle down.
  16. It's sis Let your tank cycle for another week and if you still dont' register ammonia or nitrites, then do a 50% water change to bring down your nitrates and start stocking up slowly. I strongly suggest you to remove all crabs, and if the flowers are questionable, remove them as well. You can also start a new thread so we can help u with further queries and not dilute this thread.
  17. In your case, I would recommend you to go as big as your budget allows. This is because bigger = more water volume, and it really helps alot especially when you are new as there is more room for error. I suggest you look at peacemaker's tank thread. It is an excellent build which I think might suit you.
  18. Yes some nano and pico owners actually run fans to cool their tanks instead of chiller due to cost constraints. Of course running chiller is better, but if you are running a pico tank, then my recommendation is to go with the iceprobe. The skimmer is prob not gonna help too much in a pico tank. That's why I suggested doing away with it especially since you have no sump. Will have alot of clutter ard your tank with lights, skimmer, pumps, wavemaker, canister etc. Besides regular water changes are already a must for small tanks, so the skimmer doesn't make much of a difference. WC will be a better form of nutrient export. Corals typically don't increase your bioload, unless you keep non photosynthetic corals that require constant feeding. Nitrates will spike then because of the need to flood your tank regularly.
  19. yup the power of primes and a good photographer Think really have to be disciplined and learn from you. Start shooting with tripod, window up and manual focus. Jacky you are limited by your acrylic tank coz can't take at angles... really limit the amount of shooting you can do.
  20. ok only if you want it's to be your tank's only inhabitant. bro, I strongly suggest you read up abit more before you start your tank yeah? Will be good for your pocket in the long run.
  21. I'm not sure if 1 bulb will cover a 1.8ft tank. Will have to check with Vincent, Aquarium Artist. I suggest calling him up for a quote on the tank too. His workmanship is excellent. The cheapest tankmaker is usually Atlantic Glass Industry. But their silicon work is definitely not as fantastic. An idea on how you mount the bulb here: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=85119&st=0 Vincent might be able to provide more options on mounting it. Give him a call, although he's prob busy fixing Lemon's tank now. lol
  22. I would skip the blue tang. It will outgrow your small tank in no time. And exactly what clownfish do you intend to get? Some are notoriously aggressive which you should avoid. I would stick to the percs to be safe.
  23. lol i'm tempted but not financially stupid these frags cost USD$150-$300 excluding shipping! I don't think they ship to Sg anyway... Just something to cheer me up after looking at my super botak tank. Maybe if I'm really free will superimpose them onto my bare tank and see how they look!
  24. You can hang your lights higher if it's too bright. Well, if your tank is only 11 gallons, then I suggest skip the skimmer and chiller altogether. Get either a fan or iceprobe to cool your tank and do ~10L water changes every 2-3 days. Watch out for evaporation if you are using a fan. Don't need to run anything, just maintain good husbandry and your tank will thrive.
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