Reefers beware of fishes w/mouth at the bottom (features like a shark),esp.cleaner wrasse,it mimics a cleaner but will bite chunks of flesh from weary fish.A true cleaner has its mouth pointing forward,a falsh cleaner has it at the bottom.Had a bad experience b4.
Hello all bros,his name is Richard.A very nice guy, talk to him more often,and he will make u coffee or tea jus behind the shop.He even gav me a copperband dat he has kept for donkeys day.
hi enseng,i've this same problem once(flame angel,rockbeauty gone 4 no reason).Search ur rock crevices,cos i found out there is a big harry crab dat eat my fishes in the night.
yeh bro i wholeheartly agreed w/u,its really hillarious.Every nite browse b4 i sleep.esp 1000litres jus like bird trying to fly n then kena lastic(catapult)HAHAHA