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Everything posted by Anchorman

  1. Hello folks, I am looking for new home for my following fishes. They are with me more than a year, hardy, stable and easy to keep on frozen fish food and dry flakes. 1. Yellow Tang 2.5" 2. Royal Gamma 2 " 3. Blue eyes Anthiaius 2.5" Male 4. Pistol Shrimp 1 " Condition to give away is the interested party must take all the live stocks together. Collection is at yew tee area by appointment only. Please pm me with contact no and on FCFS basis. Cheers,
  2. Hi folks, anyone keen to raise fund to buy it and donate to SEA? I would like to donate $30 and help with the relocation if needed.
  3. Hi folks, Have a colony of green paly on a big rock size 5" height by 3" width. Interested please pm me with contact no. Collection at Yew tee area on weekday after 7pm, weekend by appointment. Cheers,
  4. Hi bro, what size ? Pls post a photo here. Thanks,
  5. Hi reefer, Looking for the Tunze Osmolator 3155 Pump or a complete working set. If happened to be a faulty set the pump must be in working condition. Please pm me with a price, contact number and collection address. A pre-request that the pump can allow to test at the point of collection. Cheers,
  6. Still looking for one. Small size will do. Upz
  7. Hello reefers, Looking for a fish trap, anyone wants to let go please pm me. cheers,
  8. Hi folks, The mandarin fish is currently reserved and pending collection. will update here if it is available. Thanks,
  9. Hello folks, Had adopted this little cute terror for about 10 days and found out that she have a ferocious temperament and has been attacking my beloved male green Mandarin fish twice her size. She have not been train for fish food but very actively nipping on rock all the time. Any reefer who wish to adopt her do ensure she is alone species in the tank. Managed to catch her and place in the sump ready for collection. Interested reefer please pm me with contact, collection at Yew tee area weekday after 7:30pm FCFS. Thanks,
  10. Yup, me too. please try respond asap. cheers,
  11. Having a chiller running in the living room is a unpleasant moment as specially while watching tv. It was a major down side of this hobby imo.
  12. The Green carpet anemone collected. Cheers,
  13. Dear folks, the anemone is currently reserved pending collection. Cheers,
  14. Give away a healthy luminous green anemone open around palm size. Have been with me for 1 month plus. Reason to let go was to prevent it from being suck in the wave maker. Please pm me for collection appointment. FCfS. Cheers,
  15. Would suggest to switch off the chillier to raise the tank temperature to room temperature approx.29 ~30.C Use garlic dip to soak your fish food prior to feeding. it boost your fish's immunity. Will tend to lose some weaker fishes to ich but fishes that keep feeding will survive even with ich on the body and recover. Hope it helps,
  16. Can accept lenght up 32" width 24" height 20" max. Anyone selling?
  17. Hi folks, Looking for a 2.5' sump tank. Pls pm me with details. Cheers,
  18. Thanks for the advice, will give it a try. cheers,
  19. Hi reefers, I have had this Eheim 1262 pump brought brand new almost 3 years back. Now it has significantly weaken as I noticed the overflow compartment always running low water level that caused the slurping sound. I had taken it out to clean the sponge & propeller twice to clear debris but the pump still running weak. Wish to enquire is there anyway that I could revitalise this pump or decommission it ? Many thanks,
  20. Imo, bringing a 2nd pair of clownfish needs to consider a few points here: 1st the tank is big enough to accommodate both pairs. 2nd new fish size should be equal size or bigger than the current pair. last, take out the current pair to completely redo the landscape and introduce both pairs together with the temporary light off to create a illusion that both pairs of clown fish are " new" here. Hope it helps, Cheers,
  21. Hi folks, I had just brought a pack of live Mysis from LCK, Wish to give away half to one reefer who can collect immediately. I am staying at Yew Tee area, Please PM me to arrange your appointment and collection should not be later than 6pm. Remember to bring your own container. FCFS. Cheers,
  22. Looking for a replacement pump for my MCE600 skimmer. If you have one for sale please text me @9745 4162 Thank you.
  23. Hi bro, Can I drop by to scoop some for my mandarin fish?
  24. IMO, Drill a hole half inch above your outlet pipe opening so when water level drop air will enter the pipe earlier to stop the back flow. Hope it helps. Cheers,
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