Power head (those which can be fitted to gravel pipe) wanted budgetly..if u got any lying ard..extras.. can msg me..but not those branded one..cant afford.. PM me.
juz wondering.. urs is established tank or topping up ur tank? we can add in anti-chlorine into a established tank? it's a question for u all..im not sure abt this..
Hi..feel like getting a T5 lighting.. for a 2ft tank..can anyone recommand? i have a light for my previous fresh water tank. Can i just change it to a T5 bulb?is it any blue light that's selling in LFS=T5 light? i dunnoe a thing on T5..hope u ppl can help..
Remove part of ur water..and replace it with fresh water(de-chlorinated) to lower the salinity..as for ur damsel..maybe u forgotten the number of damels u bought..lol..juz a moment of relaxing..no harm!
ya..maybe as stated, tripod! and ,dun use digital zoom.. only optical.. maybe dun snap at one go..hold it halfway first..let it focus..b4 shooting it. my digicam have this function. Canon s50, powershot.If i rem it correctly..