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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. bro..where and how much u got for ur button..
  2. both negative and positive abt this piece of news. Negative: more ppl will go down on public holidays. Positive: bring up the attention for higher security there to prevent ppl frm taking freebies.
  3. maybe pictures of a sump frm u reefers can teach us step by step setting up a sump.
  4. actually blue tang aint blue tang? and it's regal tang? surgeon tang?
  5. Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
  6. i got one dead under the LR..dunnoe why also...maybe die liao also dun wan interruption..
  7. Rolling on floor laughing out LOUD! idea sia the auntie..
  8. another good point of reefkeeping..can strengthen our eyesights~
  9. ur skimmer seems slim..can take a foto of tat?
  10. Hi liverockers, is tat a algae cleaner sticking outside ur tank? wad material it made off?
  11. oh ok..becos they saying LFS now selling mostly for $8/kg..juz sharing~
  12. i also have a 1.5ft tank.. currently only 3 pieces of LR.. 2 false percula,cleaner shrimp(with me frm the start) and one tubeworm. Set up for few mths now.. but i tink i have the responsibility to widen their tank, so now setting up a 2ft. cycling period!
  13. RO= Reverse Osmosis Machine will cost thousands over Use to purify water Singapore is using it for it's newater
  14. i dunnoe how to use 'themes' to describe it..so i juz roughly talk abt it.. it's good, with purplish substance on it.. with alot of those grasslike algae i tink..those will swift the water current..btw, hi reefer bro! ahah..but IMO..if u stay too far..dun waste $ for ur transport to yishun!
  15. i dunnoe if i shall tell u all this..if tell u all..later all chiong go buy..the price will shoot up..if dun tell..i'm being selfish.. there's a LFS at yishun blk 285 ( i nv say name of the store huh!) cos i also dunnoe..lol.. they selling $6/kg.. aWw..will i get credit for this anyone?
  16. Use RO it totally purify ur seawater already..can use for own consumption~
  17. keep the pics coming in! i always look at ur postings one! exciting and can learn alot! haha..
  18. few mths ago was juz seeing ur setup of 4ft..now 6ft liao..wow~ nice tank!
  19. huh? wad shrimp/prawn to use for cycling the tank? those frm market and we eat one ar? dead one? or can we use those selling in LFS alive ones tat for feeding Luohans and arowana?
  20. ya..something like this lor.. got few ppl PM me liao..comparing prices..
  21. i can tell ur fren is rich..good for u to have him as a fren! haha.. reminds me of jacuzzi.. hope to see the end product pal!
  22. something like this.. it has the "cap" below tat can be fitted into the pipe? looking for this type,not this brand la..ahah..
  23. i dunnoe wad size sia.. eh..it comes wth the gravel like jigsaw puzzle type one..sorry, i really dunnoe! argh.. tat time bought one frm Qi*n hu.. but spoilt..
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