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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. dun spoil the sales la.. he sells, ppl willing to buy will buy from him. u shld PM him instead. up.
  2. wad a hot topic.. who have since withdrew their mthly contributions?
  3. u have to be a expert to carry out this.
  4. white spots behave like tat.. but in later stage.. at night also have.. then up lorry.
  5. hyundai matrix seems fair in price. 1.6l.. alot of headroom. lol
  6. haiya.. relax la guys.. nicky also spend alot on buying his equipements. Had deal with him b4. He's not mean. Pls be nice. And continue on the sales.
  7. ur anemone look bleached to me.. u might wanna take care of it.
  8. erm.. wad can i say.. thoughtful? But in a tupperware.. go buy a small glass tank bro. It will look better, and more room for them to swim.
  9. yes, those ridges. And the color pattern. ppl, next time ride/drive safely, u wont noe wad u gonna get.
  10. in one of the pics, i saw it's a fresh water sucker fish. I think it's an australian who is smuggling back.
  11. while riding home today on lentor, passing through yishun stadium near to seletar fishing jetty, i think i saw a small size croc. Thought it was another dead animal like cat, rats, squirrel, i simply change my lane b4 i reach it. But when i pass it, travelling ard 80km/hr, i took a glance at it, i think i saw a croc! gosh.. if not it's a monitor lizard. But base on the pattern it had on it's body, i think it's a croc. since it's so near to the fishing jetty. No pic to prove.. sigh.. hope some drivers or riders saw it too. It happened today ard 1.50pm.
  12. granted, but you're in ur dream I wish i can wish for anything without someone to spoil it..
  13. granted, but Coral Reef in real doesn't belong to you. I wish i have tonnes of U.K pounds squashing on me.
  14. granted, world peace, but there's still terrorism no matter how you wished. I wished i have nothing to worried about from now on.
  15. HAve the above mentioned for sale. Around 6mths old. Seldom use. Standard packing, with 256mb SD card, warantee, cables all in. Can be used underwater if buy the accessories. Letting go because have shared memories on it, now it's over, might sell it away. Selling at $500. Non-nego. With receipt. See how response go, if gd will post pic. But i doubt it, just trying it in here. PM me. Please dun give comments like "New one only this price leh.." etc.
  16. ok, just say to ourself that we can play a part for mother nature.
  17. you have a serious posting problem. i know you are new to the forum, hope you read up about posting correctly. happy reefing. just do a search and you'll get ur answer. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=26689
  18. i cant choose any. cos my answer is "Cos i like mother nature, and not influenced by anything else to start marine."
  19. now who says u always need red gems/ sps to make ur tank look nice?
  20. hmm.. good for car owners.. for bike owners.. dun bother.. JB~~~~
  21. well, agree with u on this. facing this prob now.
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