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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. my elegance become very 'swallon' when open up.. cant even see the tenacles, wad happened? it's very swallon, like gonna burst..
  2. RO = Reverse Osmosis DI = Distilled Correct me if i'm wrong.
  3. get a weipro lor.. cost less than $20, even $10.. just ask ard.. 2011 will be sufficient for u.
  4. nice clear water.. do away with tat air-driven skimmer if possible..
  5. ar.. why soak into fresh water.. all beneficial things also die off.. juz put in, and cycle, they will die off during the ammonia spike period..
  6. nice tank bro! ur YT not fetish over ur sea fan ar? my YT last time peck until botak liao.
  7. so where's the pic of the product? where can we buy? wad's the price?
  8. YT is much hardy than PBT, i had one last time, nv really give me much problem. But must also make sure that ur tank parameters all are ok la.. Pa### R###'s YT are very healthy specimens.
  9. so any latest testimonial?
  10. bro, can show how u connect the end caps to get it powered up??
  11. bro, nice tank, ur percular clown wont fight with the normal ones?
  12. i think it's stressed. maybe due to bullying. Can see some torn fins. It wont be greyish when it's active, it will be more to white and busy shifting sand for food.. u may need to take note of it..
  13. i got one too! hard working fella.. but each time only small amount.. hard to keep it clean..
  14. wah lau.. so long ago thread liao.. the light is sold! thanks ppl.
  15. Hi.. juz bought an x-box set today.. it's NTSC/J. Is it the same as PS2 if it's NTSC/J it can only play japanese games?
  16. so is the end cap used to drive the power into the tube? if so, how do you connect the cable to the end caps?
  17. funny, some ppl trying to get pistol shrimp out from their tanks and some go buy it and add in.. so is it ok to have pistol shrimp in our tanks?
  18. Just came back from aqua marin, first time there.. very neat place.. LS Lots of sally light foot crabs Harlequin shrimps ###### shrimp(very small) Pistol shrimp Rainfordi goby Yashia goby Wheeleri gobies Shrimp gobies small regal blue tangs butterflies damsels normal clown percular clown maroon clown soldier fish some unidentified anthias lawnmower TWIN spot gobies!! yellow tangs one powder blue tang(small) cleaner wrasse alot cant rem, worth the trip down, gobies lover can go there, alot of different kind of gobies. Corals: Prata pearl bubbles zoos some SPS frogspawn or octo cant really tell..
  19. dun use it with clam.. clam will suffer from it..
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