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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. Always wanted to DIY one set of T5.. so with the help from Dr_evil(thank you for all the help), my uncle, myself, i started to build one.. here goes.. I started connecting the main plug first to the e-ballast with my "lego".. as the normal Live, earth, neutral wires are too thick, i have to cut some wires from my end caps to connect from the e-ballast..
  2. shitzu grow very fast one.. my fren have one.. few mths will be ard adult size.. a good companion to have.. very kind of frenly dog.. up for u bro..
  3. do ur own salt mix like wad lightning strike advises.. cant always rely on seawater.. and so heavy to bring back.. later halfway burst..
  4. interesting.. keep us updated with pics!
  5. Arsenal 1.Dispar_anthias 2.LVCAP 3.that was niceeeee 4. Roidan (Actually more of an ANTI-ManU fan....support any team that play against ManU ) 5. Rav-65 ( since 1990) 6. Shawncel 7. Nautical 8.yus (since Arsène Wenger in charge at Highbury since September 1996) 9. harris(since Liam Brady ,Charlie George n not to forget Pat Jennings time) 10. shiraz(since ian wright, steve bould, george graham time) **1st club to reach 10 supporters!!!** Manchester United 1. terryansimon (since 1987!) 2. mv3i ( since 1980's) .... gosh i'm old liao 3. auberon (since small boy! think also abt. 80's) 4. jesperlam (Ever since Cantona's Era!!!) 5. jOO (since early 90s) 6. Rav-65 ( since 1990 ) 7. espresso( since 1996) man...i look so young here..haa. 8. Ekia (since 1994) 9. Yellowbelly (since gary pallister and steve bruce) 10. JustinK (80's, Captain Marvel Robson time) 11. aStRoBo| (since cantona's days) Liverpool 1. hkching (since 1987) 2.flamey(look at avatar! u'll neva walk alone!! go spanish revolution!!!) 3. Orgasbt (since the 90s) 4. Damien (since Ian Rush, John Barnes and the rest ) 5. planetG (since Kenny Daglish and Souness whipped other club's asses) it's pretty strange that no many support the biggest club in England in terms of history and honours! i can only suspect there are many younger dudes ard! 6. Phewbacca (1984 Milk Cup; for those born after me, that's the equivalent of the Carling cup now) 7. Blue.Tang (since ian rush) Chelsea 1. Vinoth 2. 35Cents (Since Zola n Vialli) Tottenham Hotspur 1. Lightningstrike (since Chris Waddle, Gary Lineker, Paul Gascoigne) 2. Pangz 3. jc85 (SSSC) Newcastle United 1. junyong84
  6. nice tank.. u like taking pics from below to up eh.. see until i abit giddy..
  7. MSN here... 1) kschew1498@hotmail.com 2) jesperlam@hotmail.com 3) giantbicycle@hotmail.com 4) hihai@singnet.com.sg 5) djdazhu@hotmail.com (planetG) 6) weileong27@hotmail.com 7) farishkadir@hotmail.com 8) ryanchan76@hotmail.com (lightningstrike) 9)RiotOfTheHeart@hotmail.com (Spider1 ) 10) mun333@hotmail.com 11) blueheaven636@hotmail.com 12)g8dget@hotmail.com (ryan) 13)ryzonian@hotmail.com(ryz) 14)dezimondo@hotmail.com(mUAr_cHEe) 15) nicholaslohkl@hotmail.com(nicholasloh) 16)ys613@hotmail.com(Borinz) 17)shoelevy@hotmail.com (shoelevy) 18)kurtsunny@hotmail.com (sunny) 19)ape_tengok@hotmail.com(bubble_gum) 20)junkai666@hotmail.com (FuEl) 21)integra0718@hotmail.com 22)zhihong_chen AT hotmail dot com(aStRoBo|) Yahoo here...... 1) kschew_1498 2) hamannbmw 3) djdazhu (planetG) 4) mun333 ICQ here...... 1) 7789783 (weileong) 2) 87101161 (lightningstrike) 3) 1612999 (mUAr_cHEe) 4) 3957336 (FuEl)
  8. uses alot of CDs rite? wad's the space requirements?
  9. ha.. the first pic quite discrimating to women.. they cant drive..
  10. why no one mentioned when they use fresh water...
  11. cos petmart selling most equipments rather than fishes..
  12. cos wattage dun fit. u can try it if u wan to blow the tube..
  13. wah lau eh, few mths back i was looking for weipro2011 and had a difficult time looking for it, and now it seems worthless, and now, when im looking for e-ballast, so many selling it at cheap price.. pengz..
  14. set ur water 5cm below ur collection cup and wait. If ur skimmer is new, it may take some time.. and u uses flash when u take the pic rite.. too much glare.. cant really see ur water level.
  15. fatman bro, u buying alot of tangs eh!
  16. wow.. alot of potential. Ya bro,wad happened to the sand? strong current?
  17. bro nice tank.. PbT encounter any ich problem?
  18. I just stuck at the very start when they prompt me to rotate the joystick to unlock the handcuff! i rotate until so long nothing happen!! wad shld i do??
  19. wah sh** man.. gd deals come after purchases done..
  20. wow.. u drill ur own hole man.. pro..
  21. yeah.. nitrates on high side.. my clown are "happily" treating it as anemone! shucks... nvm.. i will see wad i can do..
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