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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. oh ya.. alot of positive suggestions. thanks.
  2. some feed everyday.. some feed once a week.. it depends really..
  3. thanks for sharing. I have just started to use rowaphos yesterday, waiting for results now. But also having nitrates problem. Getting a AZ NO3 today from a reefer here. Hope it helps. Doing my part is to do water change and low bio load, as well as feed lesser..
  4. thinking of adding a thin layer of grade 0 sand to my 5inch sand bed of mixed grade 3 and 1. is it possible? how am i going to this?
  5. ask ur frenz, tat time i got this prank call, end up it's my frens. if not possibly nothing one la.. since how many days ago?
  6. u say no 2.5 feet one.. den how come u can buy one dymax T5 at 2.5feet?
  7. so both must be kept low rite.. hMm.. got it now.. thnks bro. anymore comments still welcomed.
  8. As above.. is it true that high nitrates also contribute to algae bloom and not only the presence of phosphate?
  9. very very very nice tank.. will it be tank of the month at RC? hmm..
  10. yeah.. gd our pee is useful in somewhere..
  11. erm.. i like this idea too.. but usually when we go to the sponsors, and quote we are from sgreefclub, they dun have additional discount one.. unless they have promotion going on, but den, the public also get the discount too.. dun flame me.. just giving my thoughts.. all sponsors here are very frenly and kind...
  12. nice tank.. but how u feed ur lion? put fresh water small fish?
  13. heard from class95 this morning, they said anyone whom play the role as superman previously met with mishaps.. so the one who play superman in smallville would rather be called as 'clerk' or 'clark' or wadever..
  14. maybe he is an expert to this. cos he does alot of researches. As we know, DSB isn't the only filtration way. There are also mechanical filtration. Think they have done alot of research, based on their own experience, advises from the expert locally, overseas. We wouldn't know. No need change water? Underwater world for instance, dun think they have much of a water change(i maybe wrong) they very much rely on those heavily invested equipments and filtration to keep their LS healthy.
  15. another remedy is to get a bottle of AZ NO3, works quite well. but also have to watch out for ur feeding..
  16. is the elegance on the rock bleached? sorry if i see wrongly due to lights or something.. anyway.. very nice and alot of improvements.
  17. it will be tough to tackle on this ich problem. IMO, smaller regal tang are harder to keep, cos it's too small to take on the battle with ich.
  18. start a new thread at the appropriate section la.. post at 'kopi-tiam' dun think will get serious respond or attention.
  19. get all ur testkits, all ur knowledge. welcome to the hobby.
  20. Is this kelvin? of 969***** if yes, tentatively reserved for Mr kelvin.
  21. collection at Yishun. take both at $30. sms me at 97951501.
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