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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. bro, introduce two at the same time, wont have any prob. IMO.
  2. As above. $10. no pump, no box, no crack , with the sponge. PM me. Collection at yishun only.
  3. why change water during cycling?
  4. aww.. compliment from a DIY guru. thnks! more to come.
  5. hey bro, u using tunze or seio pump?
  6. Rainbow: why u need an additional pump? i dun get u there..
  7. PM Dr_evil or visit his sponsor thread in this forum.
  8. ya lo, just tat those selling outside are more professionally done and neat finish. But it also occupy space in the tank too.. so as long can use can le la.. save $..
  9. cable tie? nope, use two 'suckers' or 'stopper' and clip my "U" tube onto it, to stable it lor. As for the outer box, uses plastic "S" shape hook and the pipe below the box is siliconed to support the box too!
  10. Ball valve, very useful to control the flow and the noise produced from the siphoning.. Tat's abt all.. used the whole afternoon to complete it.. cost total less than $30..
  11. SaltWater: "Oh no, i'm flowing down!"
  12. outer box.. which draw water down to my sump..
  13. water in..to the two siphon pipe..
  14. finally made up my mind to DIY one overflow box after very unhappy with my overflow pipe. so here goes.. sorry for the quality of pic, hp cam only.. the box in the tank..
  15. wow.. thnks.. welcome to the club..
  16. oOo. thnks.. den how abt the U pipe, can juz buy it from any hardware shops?
  17. as u can see from the pic, how do i start the siphon? and is it possible to get the U tube or must diy from those PVC pipes? credits: Ronald Bianes
  18. 2011 is fine, 2012 use a 1500/hr or more one.
  19. erm.. mod.. if remove can re-size and post? cos this post is like useless without the pic..
  20. he expect we can read his mind.. btw, if it's a newly bought star polyps, it will take 1 or 2 days to open up.
  21. click on a new topic or reply, it will bring u to the page where u start to type, scroll down, you will see a 'browse' button, click on it, choose the folder where ur pic is kept, click 'add reply', voila, pic is up. pls re-size ur pic b4 posting. juz nice for us not to scroll the navigation bar on our web browser.
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