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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. I started using rowa from my cycling liao.. so.. juz need to get a testkit to noe.. as for nitrate.. i scare it will stay high leh.. den wadever i keep will go up lorry.. as for the seio.. i like it expose.. cos i think it's part of a human made reef.. so dun wan to hide it also.. yeah man.. going real slow now.. no hurry!
  2. yeah man.. will do my best.. thnks.
  3. problem with needlewheel? nope, dun find it noisy too.. cos i think the placement of the pump play a important part, it have to be 10mm below the surface, so as to better control the flowrate into the skimmer, as well as the noiser maker 'air intake tube' to be less noisy. It's the 2nd day i run it, skimming already for me.. great skimmer of a great price.. yeah.. the cam.. i'm loving it! fall for it at the first look.. LCD can change color when shake.. but not recommanded.. scare spoil.. lol..
  4. the power of ixus 40.. yet to fully explore it.. anyway thnks for the comments bro, looking forward for ur update!
  5. haha.. bro.. ur 2footer is the "God" in this forum leh! ya.. probably mixed.. hope to get nitrate down first.. will try out some SPS frags when time is right..
  6. Tank's water parameters: All tested by tetra test kits, Ammonia : 0 Nitrite : 0 Nitrate : 50mg/l PO4: not tested yet, will update PH: 8.1 Sigh.. no fish or feeding nitrate still on high side.. using AZ-NO3 now to reduce.. hope can help. Heard some ppl say tetra nitrate test kit need to divide by 4.. can anyone explain further.. thnks.. going real slow now.. in the mean time.. trying to complete my hood when i get my reflectors from aquaz.. den proceed with my 6x24w T5s.. Any comments or help welcomed.
  7. testing out my new cam micro shot.. hermit..
  8. my diy sump with FR, macro needle wheel skimmer..
  9. Hi, after all the learning.. i restarted my tank 2weeks ago.. so here goes.. Full tank shot..
  10. try scooter blenny, i think they do eat.. in my observation..
  11. aWw.. im involved.. this not my thread leh.. but either way, skimate or prawn, even urine will work. so no hard feelings for the both bros..
  12. try flooding it with food, or get seachem food enhancer for picky eater. hope this help.
  13. nice coraline algae! stacking ones i see.. bro u might consider taking out the damsel, so the cleaner shrimps' 'babies' have at least some chance of survival. nice nano.
  14. hMm.. for my 2feet.. no matter how much market prawns i throw in, ammonia still safe.. nitrite still minimal. I using seeded LRs. cycle finished on day 9.
  15. 1) How old is ur skimmer? 2) How long you on it?
  16. i chatted with u on msn regarding this topic.. i personally think tat, cos of the LRs u got from other bros, it might be matured. So useful bacterial is already residing on it. And thus, it sped up ur cycling. Tat's wad i ask a few bros ard here to confirm as i also have difficulty having ammonia and nitrite.. think tat LRs are doing their job. wait till the prawn fully rot and test again..
  17. haha.. done.. but one thing is, my water level now is slightly above the neck, i can't tune it down liao, i turn left or right, water level will go up one leh. Can anymore bro tell me if turn knob wad happened??
  18. shld i put this in too?? one more thing is, when i turn clockwise, water level go up, happened when i turn anti-clockwise too!
  19. im using a as100p macro skimmer, when i on the pump, the water dash up to the neck! very highflow, dun seems like 1200l/hr to me! i cant get the water level down! help!
  20. check ur nitrates and get back to us.. PO4 too if possible..
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