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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. Here are some specs i found for it, juz to clarify whether if it's the correct one. Power: 450w/ 1/6hp Flowrate pump needed: >1200l/hr Just wan to ask if any bro here using it? Is it noisy? 450w.. den my electric bills will be sky high? is it a overkill for 2ft?
  2. LS report today.. male dispar not feeding today.. hiding in rock.. but ocassionally will come out.. wonder why.. the 3 females are fine.. will monitor..
  3. someone was asking abt my overflow.. here it is..
  4. bro, u chiong LCK with kenny juz now?
  5. Anthias: "Hey i hate ppl taking us with flash on!", "burp, so full after the dinner!" Yes, they are feeding already.. on pellets and frozen brineshrimp on the 2nd day.. Now they are schling! centre of the tank..
  6. Male: "Hey, it's safe to wander ard the tank." 3 females: "Yeah, we are dominating in this tank, with some pods ard us." Let's hunt for food!
  7. oh.. ok.. but not today.. kind of busy.. will post next week.
  8. ya.. it's 3000l over for the flowrate.. but no worries, u can turn the power head to let it take in less water, as in reduce the flowrate..gd piece of equipment.
  9. bro.. take some shot of ur sump too.. ur LRs seems green to me.. or is the cam effect?
  10. wrong move.. but.. no choice.. will keep it.. cos i like schling anthias..
  11. bro, where's ur PINK tip plate and PINK gonio??
  12. Iwarna shipment at 4+ juz now, LPS and SPS. There's alot of elegance, open brain, plates, cyanrina(spelling wrong), lobos, blastos.. cool.. first time i see shipment in, very crowded!
  13. huh.. not recommended for 2 footer ar.. i juz plan to keep dispars only tank..
  14. L35D Dispar anthias Lieutenant tang(think so) Purple queens Regal tang Sun burst! twin spot gobies six-bar wrasse Big clam!!! real big, bigger than my head. Squamosa i think. Alot of LPS, hammer, pearl bubbles, shrooms, zoos, frogspawn etc I-aquarium Alot of YTs, various sizes AT! left one $7* with teardrop Regal tang cleaner wrasse cleaner shrimp pipe fishes Few LPS selections Iwarna Yasha! majestic angels More corals than fishes SPS: acro, stag blah blah.. attractive price! LPS: elegance, open brain, hammer.. erm.. cant rem.. sun corals Big clams!! also bigger than my head.
  15. bought dispar anthias at L35 juz now.. and there's life.. still hiding in the rocks.. hard to take.. will update with clearer pics..
  16. well said RYZ.. ya.. it's aluminium.. so not rusting prob.. thnks for the concern!
  17. appreciated. will keep this thread updated..
  18. daily??!! i cant cos of a snail and waste my $ on salt and water man.. shld i remove it or up for adoption.. no wonder i see small snails ard..
  19. but only one snail in there leh.. no need mating one ar? or eggs?
  20. bro.. remove the air-intake tube from the connection there.. u cant block the air intake one.. i may be wrong.. cos i using as100p.
  21. as above.. it's making my tank cloudy!! idiotic snail.. the whitish substance harmful or not ar? if in human term.. i also dunnoe harmful or not..
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