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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. gd at pecking on LRs for algae. Some say debritus too. For mine, keep on pinching on my LRs, den when food come, dash for food.
  2. haha.. ya.. it's working hard. here's my sally crabby.
  3. erm.. one more pt.. is tat the only shop u mentioned tat we cant talk about? or we can only talk abt LS from our sponsors? *puzzled*
  4. why is there a beetle?? i hate tat house beetle!!
  5. by right the most trustworthy testkit is salifert.. but den.. some other testkits will have to divide the results by 4.4.. i also dun quite understand..
  6. aStRoBo|

    Fish giveaway

    ur pic is mimic yellow tang or mimic lemon peel? they grow up to be Acanthurus pyroferus??
  7. aww.. bro.. so sad u giving up.. hope to see u back reefing real soon..
  8. he was featured at the new paper b4.. his father in india is land tycoon. New paper quote his lambo as a '1 million dollar TOY' for him..
  9. how ok was ok for ur water parameters? from wad u say.. ur lion shld be gone any moment..
  10. he did mention CCK or Yew tee wad.. wad's wrong with u..
  11. retire shld not be u la bro.. shld be HIM. anyway.. up for ur sale, and awaiting to see ur new skimmer in action!
  12. pump is 1200l/hr. Used 5mths. still gd condition. Collection at yishun. $15. or $10 for pump, $5 for skimmer.
  13. i dunnoe how to tell?!! pls dun ask so many things on juz a crab..
  14. thnks. upz again.. have a few PMs.. waiting for replies.
  15. oh thnks.. fast reply bro, just wan to confirm. My brother bought 4! going to sell off 1 of it.. dun like alot of crabs in my tank..
  16. one more. sorry for the quality of pics. DC not with me.
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