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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. quite a number of them, nuke them in fresh water yesterday. Look like fleas to me. With LEGS.. omg.. wad's tat??
  2. it's a rusty.. careful of it.. like to peck on nice corals..
  3. nice.. full tank shot? u having diatoms and cyano? another tupperware overflow user!
  4. well done bro.. must have save alot on a oringinal overflow box. have one like urs too.
  5. 'taxi' bike.. NSR repsol 150.. lol.. ok thnks for the info bro..
  6. one of my hermit went hiding already.. think it's preparing for the molt..
  7. lol.. can can.. any motor diams to intro?
  8. im working too.. on sunday.. selling accessories like CD-R.. blah blah.. crap..expo.. so far!
  9. any any? i juz got my license.. got somethings to clarify..
  10. hmm.. my little cousin got 222.. but imo, ur little cousin shld go express. Save time.. it's easy to drop from express to normal, but nv easy to go express from normal. my 2 cents.
  11. ya.. luckily when cycling has already use FR. sure help alot. no diatoms problem.
  12. izit? how u came to tat? i think i read it somewhere here.. UV noe what bacteria to tackle?
  13. UV kill bad and good bacteria present in ur tank. Use a isolated tank while using UV. Cleaner like cleaner wrasse and cleaner shrimps dun clean whitespots. juz my 2cents.
  14. some update.. trying out a frag of millipora.. nitrite:0 nitrate:12.5mg/l ammonia:0 PO4:0
  15. u wont be suprised to noe tat in the market, there's already alot of Olinda's voice-alike. And her attitude isn't right from the start, she juz dun care abt team work, tat is the few episode i see. Im not against her tat is.. my 0.02cents with GST.
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