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Everything posted by aStRoBo|

  1. after awhile.. it wont be scare of u.. just will stare at u and demand for food.. tat's wad i experience from my yellow and blue tang last time.. those were the days..
  2. got 2 of the above for sale, new, nv connect b4. bought from dr_evil, since i gave up already, might as well sell away. 2 for $22. non-neg. it's for 2x24w. suitable for PL and T5.
  3. just saw in the papers tat trading or selling tropical fishes are illegal..
  4. Update: left: 6 way extension plug, with safety sticker - $15 (cant get this price outside for a 6 way one) As100p macro needlewheel skimmer - $60 (with rio pump and box) cooling fan $15 for those whom msg me, pls give ur contact, and dun off ur hp...
  5. thnks bro.. u have being helpful towards me.. i appreciate tat..
  6. Update: Left only, Seio PH - $50 Macro As100P needlewheel skimmer with attached pic.a gd skimmer, out sump or in sump - $60 Seachem ammonia detector - $5 6 way extension plug, three pin type with approved sticker - $15 Big cooling fan - $10
  7. PMs replied. Pls copy and paste the item u all interested in. i cant rem the order i put. thnk u.
  8. with a heavy heart.. im quitting the 'scene' of reefing from the time being due to reasons.. all LS to go first LS 1)Roughly 15kgs LRs, some with coralline algae - $50 with red pail to carry 2)2 headed hammer, one head with slight damage, opening well - $10 3)Orange yuma, ard 4cm diamater, $3 a frag only. 4)2 female dispars - $6 5)Few frags of normal mushies, FOC, with purchase of LRs. 6)Frag of brown millipora, $10 7)Cleaner shrimp $6 8)Sally light foot crab $8 Equipments 1)Seio 820 - $50, with box and wadever come with it, no part 6 2)Atman 2200/hr PH - $10 3)Totto Fluidised Reactor with rowa media, and new rowa media(15g), 600l/hr pump for $45 4)AS100P macro skimmer, needlewheel, bought $75, sell $60, with box. 5)6 point extension cable for sale at $25, bought $35, three pin type 6)DIY T5 light - whole set, 2 tubes, one blue one white, aquaz bulb, tridonic.atco e-ballast, cost ard $90, sell $70. (plug and play, see pic) 7)Cooling fan, no stand, resting on egg crate, UP.$25, sell $15. Collection To be collected after 9pm due to work, at yishun only. Pls PM me with contact, no contact wont reply back. Please keep this thread clean. Disclaimer Seller reserve the rights to cancel,modify sales, no complains will be entertained. Hoping To sell all together, priority given to those who can take all. total is $368, take all $360. Please show me ur supports brothers, and love u all. Be back in few years time. byebye for now.. thnks for all the guidance and patience towards me. *wave.
  9. u are having diatoms problem bro.. must take note..
  10. can u pls pile up ur sales into one thread..
  11. coralife.. i tackled the problem already. no more oily surface. thnks bros.
  12. it varies from shop to shop.. but shld cost less than $40 IMO.
  13. Sigh, have this prob happening to my tank. Changed water gone for awhile, now come back. And i suspect my skimmer not working well, not able to skim out anything. All i can see from the neck of the skimmer is orange mud. And i also suspect it's because of my rowa FR tat return the orange mud. I also wonder why and where it came from. My newly added rowa gave me this prob. Any bro pls advise.
  14. is there a air-intake tube? if yes, take it out from the water. Is ur pump roughly 10mm below water level? if no, do it. The above apply to my as100p. dunnoe abt urs.
  15. for ur skimmer, u shld be able to see thick whitish bubbles covering the reaction chamble, and not those fine ones.. try bringing up the pump nearer to the water surface.
  16. or DIY a 1.5l mineral water bottle, cut it into half, use the top or bottom half to cover ur brain during feeding.
  17. went to iwarna yesterday, they still have a few big clams.
  18. brush off the debris collected on top of them. might be one reason why it dont open up. i think i also see some cyano at the top right corner of the pic.. check ur parameters.
  19. go "add reply" scroll down, u will see "File Attachments" with "You may attach a file to this message. Maximum file size: 4.88mb" wordings. U can post 1 pic per post. Provided that u combine them in the software and post as 1 post.
  20. of cos not getting anymore tangs.. upgrading to 3footer soon.
  21. i think spiderone go add up the 10weeks and 16weeks together thus the 26weeks.
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