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livloyalist last won the day on October 6 2013

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About livloyalist

  • Birthday 12/15/1966

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  1. Hi looking for calcium , kh , phosphate n no3 test kit and po4 remover. thks.
  2. Pls pm me with qty, cost n place to deal of selling. Thks
  3. Hi looking for deltec mce 600 skimmer pump or needle wheel impeller. The pump used for the mce600 is aquabee 2000 with needle wheel impeller. Can buy as a pump or just the impeller. Pm me with price n age. Thks
  4. Trying to buy following items n preferably dealing in East, 1. Arm calcium reactor media 2. Marine salt 3. salinity monitor 4. Ph probe (pin point or Milwaukee) 5. bacteria for startup pls pm price , place to deal. Thks
  5. Selling all the attached for $20 fixed. Only pick up from Bedok Court postal code (469298) anytime. PM for unit no if keen. FCFS Thks
  6. Thks for interest n will get in touch at later time due to busy schedule. Thks again
  7. Thks for all your interests. Will get in touch with whoever via pm at later time due to busy schedule. Thks again.
  8. Stop reefing hence selling. Used to be in the tank together but I hv housed in betta box in neighbour’s hence separated them for now. Healthy, nice colour n body n fin shape. keen pm n collection at my house Bedok only. One for $60. Prefer to sell as 2. Priority goes to whoever take both. Thks
  9. Have 2 unopened pur reef salt of 20kg, 1 for $65 another open pur reef salt of 13kg for $35. collection at my Bedok house only. keen just pm. Thks.
  10. Thank you for all your interests. I will contact those submitted their interests on the fcfs basis and make arrangement for collection as m really busy with work. once Goods collected will update here for the rest info.
  11. Used for 3+ years. Good condition. Just stop reefing due to busy schedule. Rinsed last week and kept in store hence No pic. used less than chiller capacity always. price fixed $150. Collection Bedok area at my house only. Time to arrange n prefer over weekend. keen pm. Thks.
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