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Everything posted by Hehe

  1. This the only photo I have. Its the starting of it. Didnt have any photo in its full glory. Fishes are mainly cheapo tetras, mollies, guppies and cheap discuses. Haha, bought in lower sec times, no money for cool looking ones. But they have been with me for at least 4+ years, since I started the planted till I decommed it. Haha.
  2. the rockscape I make it such a way that there is an empty space in the centre for some centrepiece. thinking of getting a nicelooking brain to put there but afraid of my angels...
  3. ooo. okay. learn something new todae...
  4. pics coming. waiting for camera. haha.
  5. Future Upgrades Specifications: - FR - More lights (either MHs or 2 X T5) - Hydor Koralia 2/3 - Change all pumps to Eheim - Refugium Livestocks: - More Corals!!!!! - More Chromis (make them shoal) - Try Anthias or get a shoal of firefish
  6. Okay, after talking for so long... Specifications: - 4ft X 2ft X 2ft glass tank - Internal Overflow System with sump - Reef Octopus Skimmer DNW-200 (2008) with Octopus Turbine Pump 3000 - Hailea HC-500A Chiller - Hopar T5 fluorescent 4 X 54W (2 X 10000K & 2 X 20000K) - 1 X Hydor moonlight - 1 X Hydor Koralia 4 - Return Pump, Atman At-107 - Chiller & Skimmer Pump, Atman At-105 Livestocks: Fishes: - 1 X Sohal Tang - 1 X Purple Tang - 1 X Yellow Tang - 1 X Scopas Tang - 1 X Blue Tang - 2 X Ocellaris Clownfish - 1 X Fire Clownfish - 1 X Majestic Angelfish - 1 X Flame Angelfish - 1 X Foxface Rabbitfish - 1 X Magenta Dottyback - 4 X Blue Chromis - 1 X Green Wrasse Invertabrates: - 1 X Banded Seastar - 1 X Tuxedo Urchin - 2 X Clam - Cleaner Crew (snails, hermits...) - Mushrooms (Discosomas, Yumas) - Zoas - 1 X Branching Hammer
  7. Hey everyone, After looking at so many cool tanks out there for so long, finally decided and have the courage to start this tank thread for you guys out there to comment, for me and others to learn and build our reefing experience together. Anyway, little introduction about myself. - Born a fish enthusiast - Kept guppies, tetras, goldfishes in plastic tanks since kindergarten - Bred guppies and bettas in primary school (to a point where I had 50+ bettas kept in those CNY snack container, zzz) - Came Luohan season when I was primary 6, had my first 3ft glass tank (gift from aunty) - Kept Luohans, goldfishes (oranda, ryukins...), parrotfishes, a 2ft planted tank with guppies, tetras, discuses, corys, loaches... - Luohan season gone, upgraded 2ft to 3ft planted tank - Started my first marine tank in 2005 as a 2ft as the freshwater planted was very stable and was not a challenge for me anymore - Few months later, upgraded to a 3ft marine tank, was very, very challenging. Haha - Finally, settled down with my current tank (422ft) in late 2008 and its the only tank that I have in my house currently. Haha
  8. 422. tinkin of havin more smaller ones dn 1 big one.
  9. feel that the K4 is too strong for my tank, tinking of downgrading to a K3 or maybe K2, see hows the response. K4 is in working condition of course, jus tt the shaft is broken, but still workin fine in my tank. if not the shaft can be bought at AM for $8 i tink.
  10. no. and its SOLD and collected. thx.
  11. wad are the more commonly used and good-to-have reactors for reef tanks? calcium fludized nitrate denitrator kalk? and also, wad r the differences among fludized reactors, nitrate reactors and denitrator? thx.
  12. can oso trade with any other softies...
  13. upz. i have changed the tubes in the set to the new aquazonic tubes.
  14. WTS @ $10. Its red with a blue mouth. collection depends on when... thx everyone...
  15. can i ask what are the difference for the use of blue or white light? from what i know is that blue brings out flourescent while white for photosynthesis. so is it ok to use all white light only for a LPS tank? and what is the power wattage for 3ft 4ft T5 NO? nvr seen 1 b4...
  16. does any1 knows why the bubble level of my external recirculating skimmer is always high giving me very wet skimmate? the water outlet is open fully, and the feed pump that i use is 1850l/h. the recommended flowrate is 2000-3000l/h. i have to bend the air inlet to restrict the air, producing lesser bubbles to bring the level lower.
  17. upz. price reduced... tank $5/ea... stand $50...
  18. upz. still available. sry to those that i told u i will get back to you as was not free for the past few weeks... think i shall reduce the price i'm lookin at. but its really rather new for the set itself... i oso hav a few brand new aquazonic tubes for sale. just dug out from my store room... zzz...
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