The cooling fan is not must have but a good to have. I got advice from a bro here that cooler ballasts will have better efficiency that will maximise the output more consistently.
Btw, i bought mine from DE more than 2 years ago, not recent.
Don't think from me.... she must have got the Reef bug fm you guys.... Maybe she took sick leave to look after the fishes and the seehum at home... who knows? I also sick, but from work
Selling 9.8/10 condition Illummax Compact T5 2x24W lightset at SGD50. 1x marine blue and 1 x day light
Use barely a week. Upgrade to a 6 tube DE lightings set
Please PM me.
Collection at Tampines
Thanks Solo77 for your advice. For now I think I shall leave it there first and monitor for the amonia and NOs cycle. Btw, I've LR and bateria dose. Running the skimmer though.