thanks... i feed my clams DT pytoplankton once every 3 days.. since i only have 1 clam, i reduced my dosage a little. expensive food for that one clam man
yupp... Jacky adviced me on that... i'm only having a 2ft cube, big clams wouldnt look that nice in my tank and it'll take up space.. so i've decided to get one small one, give it a shot.. hopefully it does well... if my budget allows, i would have gotten 2 small ones... oh well, constraints of a student reefer
thanks for the website info... guess there are success stories out there.. currently mine is still not feeding.. patience is the key... hope it'll feed on it someday... but there's only so much i can do, to try my luck everyday by pumping in abit of frozen food every alternate days... watch and cross my fingers...
wow pellets.. the pellets i'm using from NLS is too big for it to take... so i'm pinning my hopes on henry's food and mysis.. when i bought the clown goby i just casually ask the "shop assistant", he just told me it'll eat everything.. all the frozen food it'll take... made it sound so simple