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Everything posted by pokmingsheng

  1. thanks guys... by the way, took this picture using my new iphone4 so much better than my previous HTC..
  2. was around the North today, decided to drop by LCK... got 1 supersun for myself... 7 heads, however 1 of it is not opened.. starting to love sun corals.. the downside is i've to constantly feed them, and this would increase my NO3 over time..
  3. had a very deep cut on my finger today when i tried to break open the vial for prodibio bioptim, be careful guys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Milch_Tan


      hmm yeah some can be really tough to break. Get well soon bro!

    3. pokmingsheng


      thanks... cut not so bad already, wound closing up.. now my tank maintainance is all done using only my left hand.. sigh...

  4. what fish are you trying to catch? my fishes swam round the bottle before slowly going closer, they were attracted to it immediately... the bravier ones would enter first... i notice that the trap is hanging in the middle of the tank, is the fish a bottom dweller, or does it "hang around" the middle of the tank.. would it work if you try shifting it to the sandbed? one tip you can try is to soak your frozen food in garlic.. or any other supplements that will bring out the smell of the food, hopefully it might work.. the "bait" i believe is the most important factor to get the fish into the trap.. another way is by feeding thru the fish trap.. work a bigger opening so that all fishes can enter.. feed them daily through the trap until they become use to the presence of it.. one more way which i read from other sources is to "starve" your fishes for a few days.. and finally when you introduce the food into the tank thru the trap, chances of them entering the bottle to get their food would be higher...
  5. overnight parking will cost $4 from 1st November 2010

    1. Milch_Tan



  6. 10 Nassarius snails?!?! i used to have about 10 as well, now kept it around 4-5.. very cute to see them all coming out during feeding time.. but they do leave alot of poo on the sand bed right? haha.. wont these add on to your NO3 instead?
  7. Vitamin M = Money.. how much are you willing to spend, what is your budget?
  8. how long can the copepods stay alive in the tank? i understand have to feed it for them to multiply... so if i constantly feed them, can i say that there'll be constant supply of copepods for my fishes all the time?
  9. wow.. cool stuff! immediate drop after one day?
  10. try directing some some flow directly at the anemone.. i did that when i wanted to "force" my anemone to move.. they'll feel uncomfortable with the flow directing at them and will slowly move away..
  11. Marine is not for the rich... people like me(student), can still manage a simple reef tank by getting 2nd hand equipments.. i believe the expensive and rare fishes/corals does not always look the nicest, sometimes the cheap and common fishes/corals can be very beautiful as well
  12. yes i was.. you were there too? sorry i couldnt recognise anyone there.. haha... you should have called me
  13. thanks guys... all frags currently reserved! goodnight and happy chionging this weekend!
  14. hey guys.. clearing some frags from my tank... have 3 frags of rather common zoas to give away.. priority given to reefers who just started on this hobby.. something easy for you guys to start off with.. collection only at my place at Bishan.. interested drop me a PM.. Frag 1 Frag 2 Frag 3
  15. a little update on my cloves.. only had 3 polyps of it.. got damn scared when my flame angel was biting and literally trying to rip off the polyps.. no wonder no matter where i place that frag, it just wouldnt open... here's a picture of the recovering frag.. hope they'll grow more heads soon...
  16. thanks.. just sharing since this method worked well for me... might not work for all fishes though.. my yellow tang was the second that went in.. haha.. however it was not the fish that i wanted... i feel that big fishes we can make do with nets or big containers where we could quite easily corner them, however the tricky part is always catching the small and fast fishes.. yup.. heard from other reefers the betta box trick works as well, would have tried that if my bottle method failed.. however since the betta box is floating, not sure if its effective against fishes who are dwelling at the bottom most of the time..
  17. for your zoas you may take a look at this website if u want to ID it http://www.zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gallery2&g2_itemId=15 as for your mushroom it looks like hairy mushroom to me... http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=597+598+665&pcatid=665
  18. you can and should purchase ur seawater from LFS if you intend to do WC using seawater..
  19. bro any full picture of ur true octo?
  20. did up a thread on the DIY fish trap http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=90506&pid=931779&st=0&#entry931779
  21. it was nipping on my cloves really badly.. bite and pulled... finally found the reason why my cloves couldnt open whenever i place them in the tank, but they opened up very nicely when it was placed in the betta box
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