Decom my tank and have the following fishes (equipments later) to let go:
1) 7" Queen Angel - $150
2) 6" French Angel - $100
3) 6" Maculosus - $80
4) 4.5" King Angel - $100
5) 4" Personifer - $80
6) 4.5 Asfur - Giving away for free if potential buyer takes all of the above.
All fishes have been with me for more than 1 year. Feeding very well ( fat, ferocious appetite) on pellets, flakes, Nori, Mysis, Brineshrimp and concocted food. Interested kindly sms to 90276618. FCFS basis, yr understanding pse. Pse bring yr own pail. Collection on Sunday-after lunch.