as above. Very stable fishes
Blue tang $25
Saddleback plus anemone $10
Self collect at bt batok st 24.
Sms me at 83221121
Priority given to buyer who can collect tonight.
for a), what i meant was in another thread, the bro managed to increase flow rate by installing a flexible hose.
thanks for the advice. appreciate it. now i know where to start.
hi guys,
wish to modify my pipings:
a) what this bro has done:
that is to reduce the 90 degrees elbow from my tank
add a manifold to use my return pump to drive my uv light and denitrator (both slow flow rate)
c) put my return pump (eheim 1262) outside the sump tank.
Any idea where i can get all these plumbing parts? thanks.
to thread starter, this co. is recommended by a friend of mine.
browsed through a few websites.
the range for Tioman / Aur 3D2N is $550 to $600 with equipment rental for off peak timing.