hi guys,
i guess it's time to call it a day, for now. too much commitment elsewhere.
anyhow, here is what i have:
1. 4ft x 2ft x 2ft cabinet tank, with 2.5ft sump - $250
- return pump (RIO 20HF)
- lightset (SOLITE 4ft T5HO 2x54W)
- Resun CL650 chiller (temperature setting stucked at 27degC, unable to set otherwise)
Wavemaker and Pump
2. EHEIM 1260 with connector for external use - $80
3. VORTECH MP40W-ES version - $350
4. HnS 110-F2000 in-sump skimmer (powered by aquabee 2000 pump) - $100
5. Liverock: enough to fill up 4 ft tank. - $2/kg
let me take some pictures when i get the chance.
tank viewing is at clementi. interested please pm me.
without asking for pics and description, my guess is bacterial infection
treatment: formalin, copper, or hyposalinity (preferred, some fishes like angels don't exactly do well with copper)
as of 1pm:
Ah Beng:
Purple Tang, Regal Angel (grey belly), Blue Face Angel, Blue Ring Angel, Sohal Tang, Powder Brown Tang
still got some nice Purple Tang available
hi all,
moving tank soon, so need to sell off all livestocks:
1. Cleaner shrimps - 2 for $30. free purple linkia starfish
2. Frogspawn corals - $15
3. Green plate coral - 2 for $12, btw 1 to 2 inches each.
interested please pm me.