Day 11: been away for cny. Surprisingly water condition improved and all fishes alive.
So im taking another step: added Moorish idol and powder brown tang. So far so good.
Sg at 1.009. Temperature kept at 27 ish to minimise evaporation
Im writing this chronicle for my reference, as well as sharing with other reefer.
Day 5: cleaner wrasse bye bye. Not sure why, it was eating ok. Completed 120L of water change.
The rest of the fishes are doing great. One observation: regal angel's cheek is quite red. Could it be due to ammonia/nitrite? He's breathing normal
mm... actually i kind of like this hypo mode.
this is the first time i'm successful in keeping PBT without ich.
pity this treatment can't last forever.
bro harlequin, thanks for the info. i'm going to keep this treatment for 6 weeks. =)
monitoring both ammonia and PH closely.
Ammonia is hard to keep down. been doing water changes.
any chemicals to keep them in check? does chemipure/ carbon help?
also, i observed some strange sights:
the fishes are still pecking on the rocks..
previously i had pods in my tank. since i'm doing hypo, by now they should have all died.
Battling ich in my 4ft fowlr.
started hypo on my display tank.
Today is 3rd day.
Sg 1.085 on refractometer.
Fishes seems ok. Some casualties encountered, but I think it is due to earlier infections.
Ammonia spiked to 0.25, planning for big water change. Just bought 120L drum.
Wish to hear fellow reefers experience on this treatment and what to expect. Most importantly, does ich stay away for good after treatment?
Hello bros/sis
Change of plan. Just bought the lightset from a reefer earlier this month:
4 x 54W DIY T5 kit from DE (waterproof endcaps, tridanic atco ballast) - $90
if interested, please pm me. collect at clementi.