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Everything posted by fotoudavid

  1. Bro what is the condition? sms 97954615 thanks
  2. Hi there, Is it like this: http://www.google.com/images?client=safari&rls=en&q=dymax+iq3&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=6z0gTY-sBsHRrQeHy8DxCw&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=2&ved=0CCwQsAQwAQ&biw=1407&bih=726 If yes i would like to reserve it. Regards David 97954615
  3. Bro are u upgrading? Cos if downgrade, then what size u going to? 1 feet? I think cannot be lah. anyway, cute 2ft cube tank u have there, a pity u let go. how much u selling?
  4. interested contact me at 97954615, but can test in fresh water tank?
  5. Hi all, Trading a 5ft by 19 by 19 inch about juwel tank with cabinet with a 3 feet cabinet tank, or a 3 feet glass bare tank x 2 with 2 tier stand. Please post here with pictures and contact number if interested. Regards David Lim
  6. Pick up at buki batok, 3rd level no lift. No leak, actually also never put water before by me, but previous owner keep aros.
  7. Must clear by sunday morning, anyone taking at $60?
  8. Forgot selling at $80 at another forum, so now price adjusted.
  9. Selling the above IOS tank with stand, comes with 1 lights 1 x tank and media like bio balls etc and also an pump in each tank. Dimension of stand: 47 inch length by 58 inch height and with 2 ft and thickness 2 inch. Dimension of tank: 42 inch by 2 ft by 2 ft. Thickness is 10 mm at least. Sell at $100. Transport not provided. Price negotiable slightly. Viewing at Bukit Batok West ave 6.
  10. Hi Bro, Just a few more questions before going as i stay Bukit Batok. 1. The lower centre is it got no doors? 2. The age? 3. The brown color behind the corals, the background what's that? Seems corroded stuffs. Regards If okay, will view tomorrow okay?
  11. 2) 5ft by 18 in by 20 in jewel tank. S$100 (currently reserved). Still have?? I want view it. 97954615.
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