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Everything posted by enseng

  1. hi does anyone know if emperor angel nib at supersun?
  2. that's normal for mushroom...it must be due to the strong flow blowing at it that cause it to detach...i have a lot of "flying" mushroom in my tank. they will settle down and attach to the rock at one time...they multiplying very fast...now is everywhere at my tank haha
  3. Yah...I think some more exp than e brand new..resun cl650 cost less than 500.. U might want to review ur price again..just a suggestion
  4. Yah...I think some more exp than e brand new..resun cl650 cost less than 500.. U might want to review ur price again..just a suggestion
  5. thanks....will slowly increase the lighting period...
  6. oh yah...sorry, mistake....nitrate used to be quite high..but now reduce to less than 10ppm.. yup..got chiller...setting at 25 deg C.. I m increasing the lighting period..and consider to add additional lights...
  7. Attached are some zoas photo... Law, the dragon eye at IMG_0848 is I get from u last time...remember e skirting was lime green and center more orange... I changed my lighting tube 3 months ago... I read online that the guideline for lighting is minimum 3W per gallons...i only using T5, 4x39W for my 3x2x2 ... so i suspect my lighting is not sufficient...what do u guys think?
  8. hi...realise that my zoas color is turning brown..wondering whether it is due to insufficient lighting? Tank size is 3x2x2...running T5,4 x 39w tubes..2 white 2 blue..7hrs lighting period...is it insufficient?
  9. you might want to check if it has white spot on its body...usually they will have it when just introduced...after they overcome it then they will be very strong....
  10. Hi all, anyone has electric blue hermit crab to sell? or which LFS I can getit from?
  11. hi.... what would be the recommended flow rate of wavemaker for a 3 ft tank?is one 3000L/H wavemaker good enough? or recommend to have more than one wavemaker or higher flow rate? Currently i have one 3000L/H wavemaker ...thinking whether to add more..
  12. yah.....tats what i am facing now....hair algae grow on my rocks and lots of tiny bubble.. running algae scrubber at my sump..hope it helps in reducing the algae....
  13. Got it!...thanks all for the reply!
  14. Hi guy, I just wondering whether will clown fish kill it's anemone? I observed that my clown keep squeezing itself to the anemone even if e anemone doesn't open,always snatch e mysis shrimp from e anemone instead of feeding it..there is one time i saw it squeezing so hard to the anemone in order to snatch e food..worried tat it will damage e anemone as it is swallowing e food..
  15. Hi..what's e lighting requirement for 3x2x2 tank?is 4x39w T5 with 2 supersun 12000k and 2 blue good enuff? Mainly keeping zoas and some softies..Does RBTA require strong lighting?
  16. Try get brine shrimp from c328.. My yellow, purple and blue tanga all fed with this .. They fed only on 2nd or 3 rd day..
  17. Any small size flame angel and purple tang spotted?
  18. anyone know if CF still have true percula?
  19. Anyone know where else (other than ang mo kio) selling 2700K T5 tubes, prefeably in the west area. Can be purchase from: 32 Ang Mo Kio ind park 2 Sing Ind complex #06-15/16 0900hrs - 1800hrs mon - fri 0900hrs - 1300hrs sat
  20. i think blue tang is probably the main culprit as they r most ich prone...i also have this problem when i introduce blue tang to my tank recently which cause the ich outbreak and kill some of my fishes...
  21. hi bro, is it still available? is it good enough for a 3ft tank? currently have ich outbreak? does it kill ich parasite? intersted to get it if it fulfills all the requirements...tks
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