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Everything posted by enseng

  1. I did not feed it as it was hiding behind the rocks...but when I feed my tank with henry's food.. i observed my sabae clown doing the feeding to it.. Dun think that my tanks is too bright..i m only using 4 x T5 tube for 3 ft tank.. I will try to feed it with market prawn and see whether it can recover...
  2. My Rose Anemone start to bleach after two weeks of introduction. When I first introduce it, it went and hide behind the rocks. Initially I thought it will come out again when it adjusted itself. However, 2 weeks has passed and it still hiding behind the rocks. I was oversea for a week and yesterday I just reliased that it has started to bleach. How do I get it to regain its color? Anyone has this experience to share? Thanks!
  3. I have experience the fighting between percula and tomato clown before. Like what you did, I introduce the tomato clown after the percula. Initially the percular was chasing the tomato upside down. The tomato was injured and grow white spot. Suprisingly after a few days, it became the other way. My percula was being chased and injured, hiding at one corner so I remove the tomato from the tank and it was ok. Maybe you want to try removing the tomato too?
  4. Hi, Anyone know what is this crab? it was hiding inside the xenia coral when I purchased from LFS. Good or bad crab? Should I keep or throw?
  5. Hi, Looking for rose anemone, around fist size. Let me know if you have one to spare. Thank you.
  6. Hi, clearing my old stuff, would like to sell the followings: 1) Tank set - $45, comes with a) Tank, 40cm x 27cm x 27cm Hang on filter with undergravel c) Cooling fan d) Digital thermometer e) 18W PL light, 2 tubes, one blue one white 2) Marine environment salt, 6.8kg - $38 Take both for $75. Collection at jurong west st 61, interested pls sms at 96649868. Thank you.
  7. hi how old is ur FA? is it hardy? coz i had one just died a few days after putting in ....
  8. Upz...that is the fan, is actually light purple in color...
  9. Hi, how frequent do you feed your super sun coral? I target feed my super sun coral twice or thrice a week with mysis shrimp...is it enough? Read somewhere that overfeeding not good for them....is it true?
  10. Hi, clearing my old stuff, would like to sell the followings: 1) Tank set - $50, comes with a) Tank, 40cm x 27cm x 27cm Hang on filter with undergravel c) Cooling fan d) Digital thermometer e) 18W PL light, 2 tubes, one blue one white 2) Marine environment salt, 6.8kg - $38 3) Liverock x 1pcs (~ 2.5kg) - $8 4) Betta box - $8 5) Sand dollar x 2pcs - $15 Collection at jurong west st 61, interested pls sms at 96649868. Thank you.
  11. Hi I would like to sell the below items: 1. Marine Environment Reef Formula 6.8 Kg - $40 2. Betta box (long type and to be stick to the fish tank wall, can be divided into 4 compartments, only used once, see photo, fish not included:)) - $8 3. Liverock x 1pcs (around 20cm x 15cm) -$8 Take all for $50.Deal at jurong west. See attached for the photos. Pls sms at 96649868 if interested.
  12. yup...i dun think it can last for 3 months...mine can last for one month only...used less than 80L of water....my tap water reading is about 150...maybe that's y the resin life span is shorter... but the funny thing is i just measure the filtered water reading..it reads 300!..weird..wonder why the TDS increase...??? just changed my resin, TDS read zero now..so i confirm that the TDS meter is not spoilt....but then what cause the TDS meter to read 300?..
  13. Hi not sure about Iwaran but u can go ah beng shop to buy....they have ready-packed seawater..one pack is about 10L if i am not wrong..
  14. yup...i think it shd last for abt 1 hr plus to 2hr for the next kick in...
  15. I also heard from the LFS that the single stage filter shd last for abt 3 months...but mine only can last for around 1 month....i think the consumption less than 80L coz only change the water twice.... used the TDS meter that come wif crystal pro to measure, maybe the TDS meter not accurate?
  16. Erm...this is what i initially thought of ...might be the flowrate too fast and shorten the lifespan.....so i follow the recommended flow rate or even running at a slower rate for my 2nd pcs of resin ...yet it is still the same....just did the measurement again...it shoot up the 400 plus/...wondering is it becoz there is some particles inside the container which cause the TDS meter to show such a high reading....coz the normal tap water reading is only around 160....
  17. Hi, anyone has used the Crystal pro single stage filter system before? How long can the resin last? Mine seems like can only last for a month then the TDS reading shoot up to 100 plus....
  18. How can i train the fish to eat pellets? Any tricks to share? hee..
  19. Hi, my chiller is taking one hr plus to cool down from 27.5 deg C to 26.5 deg C...is it normal? currently using resun 450 for my 3ft tank... Does the pump flow rate affecting the cooling speed? what is the recommended speed?
  20. Update: both YT and PT looking fine at the moment...no fight since last saturday... Heed lemon's advice to catch up YT and release together with YT...the different is i release them in the afternoon as the YT looked stress being kept in the betta box...so far so good... Thank all bros for all the advice!!
  21. wow!...thanks bro for the photos!...you have lot of tangs!....building tang kindom? hee..
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