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Everything posted by straydum

  1. the pictures dont do the tank justice! ups for you
  2. 1. HOPAR W/B 10000k 2. HOPAR W/W 10000k 3. Aquaz Plant Max 9000k (German) all tubes are 2' in length, 24w, tested working and has been used for ~3 months. selling at $5 per tube, take all 3 for $12 collection is at tampines
  3. you may want to try the bottle trap, and put some bait in it, i used live brine shrimp and the almost all my fishes went crazy, especially if you hadn't fed for a few days. i've managed to catch almost every single fish a couple of times except my sixline who knows, it may work with yours
  4. now up for sale, four striped damsel Dascyllus melanurus, 1" S$2 yellow tail blue damsel Chrysiptera parasema, 1" S$2 both very healthy and feeding well
  5. four striped damsel Dascyllus melanurus, 1" S$2 has been with me for about a year, feeds on just about any food i put in except nori/seaweed i'll put the following up after i manage to get them in the fish trap, disappearing wrasse hawaiian Pseudocheilinus evanidus, 2" $15 six line wrasse Pseudocheilinus hexataenia, 1.5" $6 yellow tail blue damsel Chrysiptera parasema, 1" $2 collection and viewing is at tampines
  6. i believe all or at least most clowns would be territorial or aggressive especially around its host. personally i wouldn't risk losing the black clowns to the tomato. maybe you could qt the tomato and let the black clowns host the rbta and then releasing back the tomato and see how it goes? and yes i would say your clowns are fine not having a anemone host. my clowns are currently 'hosting' my frogspawn and octo, and sometimes my hairy mushrooms
  7. hmm does anyone knows how to get to these two places?
  8. i would have taken the reef octopus if it was 3cm shorter of if my cabinet was 3cm taller ups for you!
  9. brains can be found at almost every shop i can think of but their prices varies. same goes for bubbles. both are easy to keep and can be considered as beginner corals. you might want to reconsider sps as they are more demanding in terms of husbandry. a good skimmer is a must and low nitrates and phosphates level if you want to retain their colours. they do not come cheap either and demand alot of light. your 3x14w may not be enough. your best bet is to keep it as close to the light as possible
  10. i wouldn't risk adding one. my six line went for just about any wrasse i put in
  11. looks really familiar! if i'm not wrong you're its 3rd owner after lemonlemon
  12. i remember having the salifert instructions for mg online in english because there were slight changes in the older and newer batch. you can try searching for it edit, ah here it is
  13. sad to hear you decom. your tank is really wonderful, saw it myself before when i bought some hairy mushrooms from you last year. bought about 4 polyps from you and now there's more than 10 polyps one of my favorite corals till date!
  14. hello, an average price for a coral beauty is about $5
  15. yeap i've read before they reproduce that way, thats why i kept my dead plate hoping something like that would happen
  16. very nice of you! but i shall resist since i haven't got space for them. thank you for your kind offer! may i know where did you get the mother colony with all the plates and the cost? saw something like that at reborn before, was quoted 4 blue notes
  17. wow i love your plates! did you get the ones on the bottom individually?
  18. mystery wrasse was still there when i left iwarna. going at 2 blue 3 red notes
  19. just a question to all owners, have you all have plans to change bulbs every 18-30 months? thats the only thing thats holding me back from getting one
  20. sorry if i sound harsh but the prata looks bleached. have you got a chiller? my corals used to bleach alot before i got a chiller, which solved all my bleaching problems
  21. got myself one from ahbeng yesterday since i've always wanted one and they only come by every now and then. it was in packed already in a styrofoam box and seemed to be the healthiest and most active of the lot so i took it. after a night in the tank i found it in the open this morning it hovers around the right side of my tank at the moment. i believe my yellow tailed damsel is giving it problems whenever he goes over to the left. i've tried feeding flake, pellets, frozen mysis and fresh prawn, all soaked in garlic but he ignores them. what worries me is that his stomach is a little caved in so i'm not positive it will last long without food. does anyone know a solution or any advice?
  22. sounds tempting! ah beng has quite a number of true percs ~1" if anyone's looking for them, one for 1.5 red notes. there's also two with unique patterns at in the tank beside the one with all the moray eels. one had a white circle instead of a white line near the tail but didn't ask the price. also a number of more unusual gobies and blennies
  23. very nice tank there i always thought copperbands aren't reef safe, guess there's something to learn everyday
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